Major Repair and Rehabilitation Allocations
1996 - 2001
In accordance with the recommendations of the Study Committee on Public Higher Education Finance (1982), the day-to-day operation of the physical plant continues to be funded on the established dollars per square foot funding approach. However, to cover the non-formula component for major repairs and renovation, the Committee recommended that the appropriation be set at three-fourths of one percent of the current replacement value of all System buildings. This recommendation became effective in FY1984 but was fully funded for the first time in the FY1987 budget. Prior to FY1984, the System received a constant $2.5 million annually. In recent years, the Board of Regents has requested the State to increase the percentage of the replacement value funded to more closely reflect national recommendations.
Allocations have been used for such projects as reroofing or roof replacement, repairing/replacing boilers and chillers, upgrading electrical and other infrastructure systems, providing access for the disabled, bringing buildings up to life safety code, and the removal of hazardous materials in buildings of the University System.