Facilities and Capital Outlay
Among the primary responsibilities of the Board of Regents is that of providing adequate facilities at the 34 institutions. The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Facilities administers Board policy in this area. Title to all properties is vested in the Board of Regents. The Board may hold, purchase, lease, sell, convey, or otherwise dispose of property if deemed appropriate for efficient administration of the University System.
The Board of Regents uses the top-ranked building requests from each of the institutions to develop the priority list of new buildings to be included in the University System budget request submitted to the Governor each September. The institutions' lists of major repair and renovation (MRR) projects are used by the Office of Facilities in administering the annual appropriation to the Major Repair and Renovation Fund (MRRF), an element of the Regents' funding formula.
While the larger facilities constructed are typically financed through the sale of bonds issued by the Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission (GSFIC), cash appropriations from the Georgia General Assembly are also a major source of funding for construction projects. Additional funds for construction come from outside sources (i.e., private donors and grants).