Academic Policies and Programs
The institutions of the University System share a common
general mission in providing a Core Curriculum for all
entering freshmen. The purpose is to aid and facilitate the
educational progress of students as they pursue baccalaureate
degrees within and among the units of the University System. It is
designed to constitute the freshman and sophomore years
of study and assure the transfer student that Core Curriculum courses
successfully completed at one University System
institution, or a fractional part thereof, will be accepted at
another University System unit and apply toward a baccalaureate
degree. The Core also provides for the preservation of the maximum
possible amount of institutional autonomy.
The Core Curriculum is composed of 60 semester credit hours
of study divided among six areas of which 42 hours are in
general education and 18 in a major area of study. Each institution
has developed its Core Curriculum within the broad
context of the above plan.
Sources: Academic Affairs Handbook
The Board of Regents issued a policy directive in 1995 to
strengthen the international dimensions of teaching, research, and
service across the University System. USG institutions have pursued
an array of programs and initiatives to achieve the
Board's goals. The System Council for International Education,
composed of presidential appointees from each of the 34
institutions, is the primary policy advisory board on international
issues. Major areas of international activity include:
Study Abroad:Board of Regents policy calls for increased
participation in study abroad and exchange programs. The
number of USG students studying abroad has increased from 1,662 in
1996 to 2,765 in 1999-2000.
International Students: Board of Regents policy seeks a diverse
student body as an important ingredient in improving the
education of all learners. Students from around the world attend all
USG colleges and universities. The University System
enrolled 12,782 students from 187 different countries in Fall 2000.
Curriculum & Instructional Technology: The
System's four-year universities offer more than 50 bachelor's degrees
nearly two dozen graduate degrees in international fields. They also
offer nearly 50 certificates and degree minors in
international areas. The System is engaged in several major
initiatives to expand access to foreign language and area studies
curricula through internet-based learning.
Foreign Languages: USG institutions offer
courses in nearly two dozen modern and classical languages.
Enrollments have
increased from 17,389 in Fall 1996 to 23,003 in Fall 2000. The
College Preparatory Curriculum (CPC) requires two
Carnegie units of the same foreign language to qualify for
undergraduate admission.
Faculty Development: Each year hundreds of USG
faculty participate in overseas seminars, research delegations, and
teaching programs that strengthen their international expertise and
direct knowledge of other countries.
Source: USG Office of International Education