Indicators that you may be experiencing a WMSD include some of the following signs and symptoms:
- Tightness, discomfort, stiffness, soreness, or burning in the hands, wrists, fingers, forearms, or elbows
- Tingling, coldness, or numbness in any of the joints
- Clumsiness or loss of strength and coordination in the hands
- Pain that wakes you up at night
- Pain that does not go away after an extended time away from work such as a weekend
- Feeling a need to massage your hands, wrists, and arms
- Pain in the upper back, shoulders, or neck associated with using the computer
Although these symptoms may not necessarily lead to a WMSD, if experienced it is important to report signs and symptoms as early as possible to prevent serious injury or permanent damage. If you have followed the recommend work practices and continue to experience physical discomfort, please let us know.
We cannot fix a problem that we are unaware of.