Biomedical Waste (continued...)
Biomedical/biohazardous waste shall be segregated by separate containment from other waste at the point of origin. These wastes, except for sharps, are to be placed in orange or red plastic bags clearly identified with the universal biohazard symbol or clearly marked with the word "BIOHAZARD". The bags are to have strength sufficient to preclude ripping, tearing, or bursting under normal conditions of use.
Sharps (needles and syringes, pasteur pipettes , etc.) must be placed in puncture proof and leak proof containers which are closed and transported to the autoclave for sterilization prior to disposal. Contract arrangements for pick-up and disposal of biomedical wastes including sharps may also be used. Broken glass may or may not be considered biomedical waste - glassware that has been contaminated with biohazardous agents must be decontaminated (autoclaving or chemical disinfection) prior to disposal with broken glass.
Contaminated wastes and animal carcasses should be collected in leak proof closed containers and transported to a properly operating, pathological waste incinerator for disposal by incineration. If an incinerator is not available, these wastes should be sterilized by autoclaving prior to disposal by burial or in an approved landfill.