Used Oil (continued.....)

Once oil has been used, it can be collected, recycled, and reused. When contracting for used oil reuse and recycling services, it is critical for USG institutions to contract with reputable, qualified and GA EPD permitted vendors for such services.

There are certain good housekeeping practices that must be followed. EPA developed practices, called "management standards", for facilities that handle used oil. The management standards are common sense, good business practices designed to ensure the safe handling of used oil, to maximize recycling, and to minimize disposal. The standards apply to all used oil handlers, regardless of the amount of the oil they handle. Although different used oil handlers may have specific requirements, the following requirements are common to all types of handlers. These requirements relate to storage and to cleaning up leaks and spills, as follows:

If used oil is mixed with hazardous waste, it will have to be managed as a hazardous waste. The only way to be sure your used oil does not become contaminated with hazardous waste is to store it separately from all solvents and chemicals and not to mix it with anything.