Faculty By Tenure Status
Corps of Instruction: December 2000
Tenure resides at the institutional level. Only assistant professors, associate professors, and professors who are normally employed full-time by an institution are eligible for tenure. Tenure is awarded upon recommendation of the president and approval by the Board of Regents. Tenure may be awarded at the end of a five-year period, and the maximum time that may be served at the rank of assistant professor or above without the award of tenure is seven years. In exceptional circumstances tenure may also be awarded upon appointments. Administrators do not hold tenure in their administrative positions but may be awarded rank and tenure. The Board has also established a non-tenure track policy for persons with faculty rank. There is no limit for years of service in this category, but persons cannot be considered for award of tenure or receive probationary credit toward tenure for years of service in this track.
The following data include full-time teaching faculty, research faculty, general administrators, academic administrators, public service faculty, librarians, and counselors who hold Board-approved academic rank; are tenured, on tenure track, or in positions that are not tenure track; and are employed on at least an academic year contract. Instructional faculty are a subset of this group. This table does not include retired faculty receiving benefits, inactive faculty, or part-time faculty.