Electronic Sources of Information
PeachNet, Galileo, and GSAMS: 1999-00
The University System of Georgia educational data communications network, PeachNet, was established as a comprehensive
statewide network based on the TCP/IP communications protocol. PeachNet provides for communications among the University
System locations and additional sites listed below and provides a link to the Internet, an international network of networks.
PeachNet Sites
GALILEO, Georgia's statewide library, provides universal access to shared academic materials and services for all students and
faculty at the thirty-four University System of Georgia (USG) institutions and is being made available to private colleges and
universities, public libraries, and technical schools, and K-12 schools in the State. GALILEO features electronic databases, an
encyclopedia, dictionary, library catalogs, state publications, and census data. These services are enabled by Georgia's statewide
educational network, PeachNet, operated by the USG.
GSAMS, or Georgia Statewide Academic and Medical System, is a two-way, interactive video network used in teleconferencing
and in the delivery of distance learning. Other state agencies also have GSAMS installations.
Satellite Installations
Satellite installations allow high speed digital transport of information and programming (voice, data, text, video) for higher
education. Other state agencies also have dish installations.
Satellite Dish Installations
Source: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Information and Instructional Technology