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GALILEO Interconnected Libraries

You won't find hip clothing or sexy lingerie here, but GIL is a catalog. All the books and other items a library has to offer can be found in this interconnected electronic catalog.


  1. What is GIL?
    A library catalog

  2. GIL vs. GALILEO
    Should I use GIL or GALILEO?

  3. Accessing GIL
    Getting there online

  4. GIL's Help is Helpful
    Got a problem? Check the Help.

    A Tour of GIL

    1. The Home Page
    2. A Sample Record
    3. Anatomy of a Record
    4. Search Options
    5. Exact Search
    6. Keyword Search
    7. Anatomy of a Title List

    Finding Materials on a Topic

    1. Subject Searching
      When should I use it?
    2. Title Searching
      How to find something when you know the title
    3. Author Searching
      How to find books by a specific author
    4. Narrowing a Search
      To help refine your search parameters
  1. Finding Periodicals
    Magazines, Newspapers, Journals...

  2. Course Reserves
    What are they?

  3. Accessing "Your Account"
    Renewals, passwords, fines

  4. Online Renewal
    Keep items out longer

  5. Recalls
    Be next in line

  6. Interlibrary Loans
    Getting books from other libraries

    Step-by-Step Examples

    1. Mandy
      Wants books on website design (Quick Search)
    2. Bob
      Wants to find a academic periodical (Journal Title Search)
    3. Phyllis
      Wants to find a book by a specific author (Author Search)
    4. Exercise: Find a Book and a Periodical
      Using your library's GIL catalog