USG Staff Council

Serving as a voice and advocate for all USG staff since 1994

USG Staff Council Meetings

Meetings, Cadences, Descriptions, and Minutes

Board of Regents (tendency towards 1st week)

From USGSC Bylaws VII. E. The Chair shall represent the USGSC at USG and BOR meetings. The Chair shall report information and updates to the body as necessary.

Executive Committee Meeting (monthly)

USG Staff Council Executive Committee meetings are scheduled once per month. These meetings are intended to serve as planning sessions for the regular USG Staff Council business meeting. The Chancellor will be invited as needed to these meetings, should there be a need to discuss or solicit feedback on any agenda items through this executive session. The Vice Chancellor, or their representative, has a standing invitation to these meetings. These dates/times can be adjusted according to the needs of the group.

USGSC Business Meeting (3rd Wednesday)

USG Staff Council Monthly Business meetings are scheduled for every third Wednesday of the month. These meetings are intended to establish the membership and leadership of subcommittees, provide an opportunity for committee updates, and to conduct the regular business of USG Staff Council (adoption of agendas, goals, and approval of the previous meeting's minutes).  Institutional Delegates and Alternates are both invited/permitted to attend USG Staff Council Business meetings; however, an Alternate is only permitted to vote in the absence of their institution's Delegate.

The Chancellor has a standing invitation to these meetings, should there be a need to discuss or solicit feedback from the council on topics related to upcoming BOR meetings, policies, or other items for the good of the order. These dates/times can be adjusted according to the needs of its members/participants.

Updates and Ad Hoc Committees

Updates and additional committee meetings (e.g. Conference, Bylaws) are scheduled as needed.

Meeting Agendas & Minutes
