Records Management and Archives

University System of Georgia records retention policies and procedures

USG Records Retention Schedules

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CATEGORY:  Legal     Total: 7

Attorney General Opinions

Number:  0472-14-001

Description:  This series documents responses of the State Attorney General's Office to legal questions posed by the institution's legal advisor and administrative officers which may have an impact on the institution's operations and policy.

Retention:  PERMANENT.

Contracts and Agreements Records

Number:  0472-14-002

Description:  This series documents the negotiation, execution, completion, and termination of legal agreements between an institution and other parties, and for personal/professional services. Records include a copy of the official contract or agreement, memoranda of understanding, amendments, exhibits, and addenda.

Retention:  Contracts or agreements documenting building construction, alterations, or repair: 10 years after expiration; Other contracts and agreements: 7 years after expiration.

Legal Case Records

Number:  0472-14-003

Description:  This series contains case files pertaining to subjects such as: affirmative action conflicts; salary disputes; differences in interpretation of contract language; risk management controversies; and tenure relinquishment disagreements.

Retention:  Records of cases resulting in major policy modification, non-confidential components of cases considered historical, and summary statements: PERMANENT; All other records: 7 years after final decision.

Open Records Request

Number:  0472-14-004

Description:  Records include: written requests received by the office; written and dated responses issued by the office; and approval of release of the information.

Retention:  3 years.

Patent and Invention Records

Number:  0472-14-005

Description:  This series documents the transfer of technology from the institution to outside agencies as the result of research projects and grants carried out at the institution. This series may include but is not limited to: original patents; patent applications; international licensing agreements; agreements giving permission for institutional researchers to use other patented inventions in their research; invention disclosure forms that list the names of the inventors; descriptions and titles of inventions; sources of funding to create the inventions; details of the provenance of the inventions and their documentation; to whom the inventions have been disclosed; suggested manufacturers; reports issued concerning the inventions; and signatures of inventors and technically qualified witnesses.

Retention:  Original patents, formal invention assignment forms, license agreements, patent legal transactions, and invention disclosure forms: PERMANENT; All other records: 7 years.

Subpoenas and/or Production of Documents Requests

Number:  0472-14-006

Description:  This series documents subpoenas and/or production of documents requests from third parties.

Retention:  5 years.

Trademarks Licensing Records

Number:  0472-14-007

Description:  This series documents the legal authority for non-system agencies to use the logos and other symbols constituting the registered trademarks of the institution. This series may include but is not limited to: names and addresses of approved licensees; their annual gross dollar sales of institutionally trademarked items; invoices showing royalties paid to the institution for use of the trademarks; licensing agreements; and samples of the requesting licensees' art work.

Retention:  7 years after expiration of licensing agreement.

University System of Georgia, 270 Washington St., Atlanta, GA  30334