RACL Spring 2005 Meeting
March 10-11, 2005
Georgia Archives - Morrow, GA
Nancy Anderson (Gordon), Pat Borck (Macon), Carol Bray (East Georgia), Laura Burtle for Charlene Hurt (Georgia State), Ray Calvert (Coastal Georgia), Betty Childres (Kennesaw), Kim Eccles (Atlanta Metro), Mary Jo Fayoyin (Savannah), Bob Fox (Clayton), Doug Frazier for Ben Lee (Armstrong), Tom Frieling (Bainbridge), Kathy Gallo (Georgia Perimeter), George Gaumond (Valdosta), Toby Graham for Bill Potter (University of Georgia), Dana Hettich for Byron Drew (Gainesville), Debbie Holmes (Floyd), Lynn Kelly (Waycross), Marilyn Lary (North Georgia), Frank Mahitab (Fort Valley),Callie McGinnis (Columbus State), Mark McManus (West Georgia), Rich Meyer (Georgia Tech), Joyce Mills (SPSU), Bede Mitchell (Georgia Southern), Bill Nelson (Augusta), Merryll Penson (BOR), Paul Robards (Middle Georgia), Gene Ruffin (Gwinnett), Rachel Schipper (Georgia College), Brenda Sellers (ABAC), Mark Spasser for Tamera Lee (MCG), Vera Weisskopf (Georgia Southwestern), Tracey Westmoreland (Dalton)
Kathy Tomajko (Georgia Tech), Kate Nevins (SOLINET), Tim Daniel (Georgia State), Catherine Jannik (Georgia Tech), Marie Lasseter (BOR), Diane Chubb (BOR), Ross Singer (Georgia Tech), David Carmicheal (Archives), Anne Smith (Archives) Valerie Frey (Archives), Carolyn Rackley (Educational Testing Services), Paul Woolford, (HOK Architecture).
March 10
Chair Rich Meyer opened the meeting at 2:00 p.m.
After introductory remarks, the group received a presentation on the new state archives building from Archives Director, David Carmicheal and from one of the building's architects, Paul Woolford. The group then toured the new facility.
The group then held its first business meeting. Callie McGinnis reported on behalf of the nominating committee (McGinnis, Gaumond, and Lowry) that the nominees for RACL positions in FY 2006 are:
Chair Elect (4-yr): Mary Jo Fayoyin ( Savannah), Joyce Mills (Southern Poly)
Secretary (Univ.): Charlene Hurt (GSU), Bede Mitchell (Ga Southern)
At-Large: Tom Frieling (Bainbridge), Lynn Kelly ( Waycross), Gene Ruffin (Gwinnett)
Bill Nelson then presented the latest draft of the GIL (GALILEO Interconnected Libraries) Governance Document. This draft incorporated changes recommended at the fall 2004 RACL meeting as well as subsequent recommendations. After discussion, the document was approved as presented by Bill's committee (Nelson, Holmes, Mitchell).
The first meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. followed by a reception w/Archives staff.
March 11
Chair Rich Meyer opened the meeting at 8:30 a.m.
Toby Graham - Digital Library of GA/UGA, Catherine Jannik - Georgia Tech, Tim Daniels - Georgia State, and Mark Spasser - MCG gave presentations on how their institutions have developed or are developing institutional repositories. They also presented a proposal for their institutions to help in developing a statewide GALILEO Knowledge Repository.
Marie Lasseter and Diane Chubb representing Advanced Learning Technologies with the BOR gave a presentation on the development of a USG Learning Object Repository. The initial efforts in this area result from learning objects reconstructed from eCore classes.
Ross Singer from Georgia Tech demonstrated a system [WAG] he, along with colleagues, has developed to enhance Google Scholar or other web resources. The enhancement allows local library patrons to link to Google indexed resources to which the library has ownership or authorized access. Essentially, this could provide a way to link back to the library's resources from wherever the patron is searching on the web, thus enhancing the user's ability to access more authoritative and licensed resources.
Kathy Tomajko from Georgia Tech presented a report on her library's participation in the LibQUAL+ survey in 2003 and 2004. In addition to the findings from those surveys, she noted library consortia that had jointly participated in the survey and the potential benefits of consortia participation for USG libraries. A majority of library directors present indicated willingness, by passage of a motion, to consider such a joint activity for RACL possibly in spring 2006. There will be no commitment for all institutions to participate in this survey.
After a lunch break, Rick Sutton, BOR liaison to RACL, gave an update on BOR activity. He noted items of interest to libraries such as funding and building projects. He also mentioned a European trip for administrators planned for summer 2006 that may be of interest to librarians.
Bede Mitchell distributed a flyer on the upcoming Georgia Conference on Information Literacy and Carolyn Rackley of the Educational Testing Service described a new information assessment tool being developed by ETS. She indicated an interest in recruiting additional schools for participation in the pilot of this assessment.
Rich Meyer then led a discussion on e-journals in USG libraries. Discussion topics included what actually constitute an e-journal, how USG libraries are going about adding such journals, and considerations to be made in balancing e-journals with print journals.
Callie McGinnis distributed RACL ballots for FY 2006.
Merryll Penson distributed several items including FY 2006 GIL projected costs for each library, a report detailing GIL Express overdue items by borrowing and lending library, and a description and estimated cost for implementing the planned GALILEO upgrade which would include customized interfaces by library community, enhanced searching capability, and linking of resources across database to better utilize full-text investments. She discussed various budget scenarios and how those would impact USG libraries and the students and faculty they serve.
Callie McGinnis reported the results of the election:
Chair-Elect: Mary Jo Fayoyin
Secretary: Bede Mitchell
At-Large: Lynn Kelly and Gene Ruffin
There being no further business, Chair Rich Meyer adjourned the meeting at 3:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Fox
RACL Secretary