RACL Spring 2003 Meeting
April 3-4, 2003
Attending: Nancy Anderson, Charles Beard, Pat Borck, Carol Bray, Ray Calvert, Betty Childress, Byron Drew, Kim Eccles, Bob Fox, Kathy Gallo, Debbie Holmes (chair), Charlene Hurt, Lynn Kelly, Marilyn Lary, Ben Lee, Tamera Lee, Kay Lowry, Callie McGinnis, LaVerne McLaughlin, Rich Meyer, Joyce Mills, Bede Mitchell, Bill Nelson, Betty Paulk, Bill Potter, Bill Richards, Paul Robards, Gene Ruffin, Brenda Sellers, Vera Weisskopf. Ex Officio: Merryll Penson. Guests: Randall Thursby, Richard Sutton, Brian Finnegan, Deborah Shackelford, Sandra Stratford.
RACL met at the Jekyll Island Club, Jekyll Island, Georgia. Debbie Holmes (Floyd College), Chair of the RACL Committee, presided.
Thursday, April 3, 2003 Meeting
The RACL Committee convened at 9:00 am. Debbie Holmes (Floyd College), Chair of the Committee welcome the group. The Committee heard a presentation from Brian Finnegan (Director, Emerging Instructional Technologies, Advanced Learning Technologies, Board of Regents) on the uses and potential of the new version of WebCT - Vista. This was followed by a presentation from Laura Burtle (Department Head, Instruction and Learning Technologies, Pullen Library, Georgia State University) and Missy Cody (Associate Professor, Nutrition and Dietetics, Georgia State University) on their incorporation of WebCT into their Nutrition class at Georgia State. Questions and discussion followed. Merryll Penson, (Executive Director for Library Services, BOR) distributed a scope document and requested volunteers for a small project to help test integration of library resources into WebCT, particularly EBSCO.
Randall Thursby (CIO and Vice Chancellor of Information and Instructional Technology (OIIT), Board of Regents) reported to the group. Randall addressed the importance of the RACL Committee and its role in the governance of the university system. Randall encouraged the Committee to express their concerns of various issues through the use of resolutions. Randall also informed the group that the SSN issue was on hold. He updated the Committee on the IIT planning process. Randall informed the Committee that he was using the opportunity afforded him with Jayne Williams' (Assistant Vice Chancellor, Library, Customer and Information Services, OIIT-Board of Regents) retirement and Beth Brigdon's (Assistant Vice Chancellor, Enterprise Systems and Services, OIIT- Board of Regents) departure, to re-evaluate the organizational structure of OIIT. Randall stressed the importance of having a good relationship with the Academic Committee on Information Technology (ACIT), the Public Libraries and others.
After lunch, the committee joined the Public Library Directors, who were also meeting at the Jekyll Island Club, at 1:00 pm for a joint session on the USA Patriot Act. Speakers were: Selden Deemer (Library Systems, Emory University), whose presentation was Overview of the USA Patriot Act; Representative Bob Barr, who spoke on the USA Patriot Act: National Perspective and ACLU Response; and Keith Hodges, Attorney At Law, who presented Practical Legal Implications for Libraries
The Committee adjourned at 4:00 pm.
Friday, April 4, 2003
At 9:00 am, the RACL Committee and the Public Library Directors convened for a joint meeting. Frank Butler (Vice Chancellor for Academic and Faculty Affairs, Board of Regents) discussed the collaboration between RACL and the Public Libraries and encouraged continuation of these important efforts.
Tamara Lee invited the librarians to participate in a discussion of the MLN grant proposal that has been submitted from the Academic Medical Libraries in the state (Emory, Medical College of Georgia, Mercer and Morehouse School of Medicine). This proposal will help ensure that the citizens of Georgia have access to consumer health information since a more educated populace can mean a better health populace. A follow-up statewide meeting is scheduled for Spring, 2004.
At 9:45, RACL adjourned to its business meeting. Debbie Holmes (Floyd College), Chair of RACL, presided.
Election of officers
The election of officers for 2004 was conducted by Bob Fox, Chair of the Nominating Committee (Clayton College and State University). Nominations were made for the available positions. A motion was made by Charlene Hurt to close nominations and seconded by Paul Robards. The motion passed.
Election Results:
RACL/GALILEO Steering Committee | |
Chair-Elect | Rich Meyer |
Secretary | Carol Bray |
At-Large | Kay Lowry |
At-Large | Bill Nelson |
GIL Steering Committee | |
Regional University | Bede Mitchell |
State College/University | Pat Borck |
Two Year College | Lynn Kelly |
At-Large | Gene Ruffin |
University System Report
Dr. Richard Sutton, (Director of International Programs & Senior Advisor to Academic Affairs, Board of Regents) gave the report from the University System. Topics of discussed were:
- The USA Patriot Act.
- Up-to-Date changes in the system office: Annie Hunt Burriss (Vice Chancellor of Economic Development, Board of Regents) has joined the Governor's Staff. Shelley Nickel (Special Assistant to the Chancellor, Board of Regents) has assumed the Executive Director position with the Student Finance Commission. Dan Papp is remaining as the Senior Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs with the Board of Regents. Jayne Williams (Assistant Vice Chancellor, Library and Customer Information Services, Board of Regents) has retired. The System office is still expecting the appointment of two Regents by Governor Perdue but they have not yet been named.
- The budget. For FY 2004, the System anticipates losing $184 million in funds but has kept the lottery funding for GALILEO. For FY04 budget, tuition and fees cannot be considered until they know what the budget will be. For FY2005, the plans are to keep the lottery funds for HOPE and Pre-K. Other things, like GALILEO, will have to be funded from elsewhere. Select fees or mandatory student fees are a possibility but require Board of Regents' approval.
- The African-American Male Initiative has been created to deal with multi-generational/multi-year changes in aspirations toward college.
- Items delayed include the Math test, the SSN issue, and the report on the strategic planning providing greater access through Public Libraries.
- The chancellor's priorities for the year include:
- A more educated workforce (African-American Males project)
- Accountability
- Thinking forward
- Quality
- Higher Education as an economic driver; and a positive image of the USG.
- Dr. Sutton reported that he serves as the liaison for the Regents Academic Advisory Committee on Business Administration, Management, & Economics in addition to RACL. The committee has requested that he ask RACL to purchase subscriptions to various business journals. The RACL Committee asked for a list of what is wanted. Dr. Sutton will ask the Academic Advisory Committee on Business Administration, Management, & Economics for a list of requested journals. The RACL Committee will review the list and respond.
- Dr. Sutton reminded the RACL Committee that it has the right to make recommendations on various acts such as the Patriot Act and continued support of GALILEO.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the Fall RACL meeting were approved with changes.
Consumer Health Program
Tamera Lee (Medical College of Georgia) reported on the Health Information Prescription Pad Research Project. This pilot project offers customized prescription pads in conjunction with medlineplus.gov. Public Libraries are referred by physicians for this project, so academic libraries may get inquiries as well. Information cards are available concerning the project. Tamera will post information to the RACL list.
Below is a link to the qualitative North Carolina health portal, a scalable, sustained outcome first initiated at a state-wide health outreach planning meeting. As shared at Jekyll Island, a similar RFQ planning meeting is scheduled for Georgia in April 2004. {http://www.nchealthinfo.org/}
RACL Response to the Budget
Report from the GALILEO Electronic Collection Development Committee
Debbie Holmes (Floyd College) and Bill Potter (UGA) reported. Database costs are based on FTE numbers and enrollment is high for USG institutions. Bill Potter has worked with the GALILEO Electronic Collection Development Committee to determine priorities for the core GALILEO. Debbie recommends sending a letter regarding GALILEO and its importance in funding priorities, and at minimum requesting an increase to support the databases priced by FTE. Bill Potter (UGA) reported on the decision of the GALILEO Collection Development Committee concerning GALILEO databases. Bill encouraged RACL members to let the GALILEO Steering Committee representatives know about any strong feelings members may have about particular databases. The GALILEO Steering Committee meets May 9. After discussion, Debbie Holmes and Bill Potter were empowered by unanimous vote of the RACL Committee to send a letter regarding GALILEO and its importance in University System funding priorities, and at a minimum requesting an increase to support the databases priced by FTE.
GIL Steering Committee Report
GIL Steering Committee Chair Ray Calvert (Coastal Georgia Community College) reported that planning is underway for the GIL User's Group Meeting to be held May 21, 2003. A video address by the Chancellor is planned. A special training session, Introduction to GIL for Beginners, will be offered during the meeting. Other items from the GIL Steering Committee meeting: The Voyager 2001.2 general release has been announced with the new version in test. Endeavor is working on a schedule to solve the UC problems. The Chancellor sent a letter to campuses indicating the SSN plan is on hold.
ACIT/RACL Working Group
Rich Meyer (Georgia Tech) reported for this group.
- This group recommended use of the SSN as a primary identifier to be discussed at the system level.
- The group discussed the USA Patriot Act and its implications.
- The group received a report for Georgia Tech collection between the library and the IT helpdesk.
- The group made the suggestion to invest in a system-wide Sun maintenance contract.
- Phil Williams became a permanent member of this group.
- A surplus equipment pool for the university system was endorsed by the group.
- A report was given on the need for a repository of working papers.
- The ACIT passed a resolution that wanted the SSN issue to be handled at the system level.
- The working group recommended RACL adopt a similar policy.
A motion was made that RACL support the ACIT resolution. The motion passed unanimously.
USA Patriot Act
Bede Mitchell (Georgia Southern) reported on an overview of the Act and the need for the campuses to be prepared. There is an expectation that guidance for procedures will come from the system office. ALA has specific guidelines of procedures to follow available on the ALA website.
Library Services Report
Merryll Penson (Board of Regents) reported on GALILEO/GIL/Digital Library of Georgia.
- The GALILEO Activities report was distributed to RACL.
- UC continues to be a problem. Endeavor has been given an April 11 deadline to resolve the problems.
- The GALILEO staff have been investigating various linking products and some libraries will be a part of a pilot project.
- Plans for FY 2004 are to determine needs for additional resources and functionality.
- Charlene Hurt (Georgia State) is interested in working with Brian Finnegan on reserves as well as anyone else on WebCT. Anyone that is interested, let Charlene know.
- George Gaumond (Valdosta State) sent a reminder of the Spring, 2002 RACL
resolution concerning the MLS program. George would like to remind libraries
to include this in their position ads.
From minutes of the March 29, 2002 RACL Meeting
MLS and Building Program at Valdosta State University (George Gaumond)
Twelve students were accepted; 9 are now in program. They have begun the accreditation process, which has been changed. The program takes 4 semesters to finish. With the new accreditation process, there is a category called "Precandidacy”. That is VSU's status. It is difficult to say when program will be accredited. Face-to-face classes are held on Macon State's Campus. Most courses are online. Administration and foundations are face-to-face. George asked University System directors to consider hiring graduates of the program. To hire our graduates from this program we must endorse the following statement:During the period of VSU's precandidacy/candidacy for ALA accreditation, the libraries of RACL will require that candidates for professional librarian positions must hold a Master's degree in library/ information science from a school whose program is accredited by ALA or must hold a degree in library/information science from a school whose program is approved by the B.O.R. of the USG.
This motion was discussed and passed. - Kay Lowry (Darton College) is now the Permanent Director of the library at Darton College. Congratulations to Kay.
- Anyone wanting to contribute to the Hubbard Scholarship in memory of Art Johnson, former director at East Georgia College, may give their contributions to Charles Beard (West Georgia) or Bob Fox (Clayton State).
- Charles Beard informed the committee of ALA legislative day which is May 13, 2003 in Washington, DC. If anyone is interested in attending, contact Charles.
Respectfully submitted,
William Gray Potter
Secretary of RACL