RACL Spring 2000 Meeting Minutes
March 23-24, 2000
The King & Prince Hotel, St. Simons Island, Georgia
Attending: Nancy Anderson, Liz Bagley, Charles Beard, Ray Calvert, Betty Childres (for Bob Williams), Tammy Coody (for Raj Ambardekar) Wanda Crenshaw, Byron Drew, Bob Fox, Don Frank (for Miriam Drake), Tom Frieling, Kathy Gallo, George Gaumond, Willie Gordon (for Marilyn Lary), Ann Hamilton, Debbie Holmes, Charlene Hurt, Ben Lee, Tamera Lee, Kay Lowry, Jim Macklin, Harriett Mayo, Callie McGinnis, LaVerne McLaughlin, Marilyn Miller, Joyce Mills, Bede Mitchell, Bill Nelson, Bill Richards, Brenda Sellers, Carole Taylor, Vera Weisskopf. Ex Officio: Jayne Williams. Guests: Kris Biesinger, Martin Dillon, Lauren Fancher, Bob Fernekes, Mark McManus, Merryll Penson, Rick Skinner, Barbara Winters.
Welcome and Introductions (Liz Bagley): Liz reminded everyone that RACL was losing Raj Ambardekar, Harriett Mayo, and Marilyn Miller and wished them well.
Dr. Martin Dillon, OCLC Institute, on the Keystone Principles Overview and Discussion, with assistance from Charlene Hurt and Merryll Penson:
Liz introduced Dr. Martin Dillon from OCLC and Charlene Hurt and Merryll Penson to talk about the Keystone Principles.
Dr. Dillon began with several questions. Do libraries need the equivalent to the Keystone Principles? If they do, why and what should they look like? There was a meeting at Keystone, Colorado sponsored by OCLC and ARL. The Delphi survey was done first. Questions were e-mailed to those being surveyed. The first question was "What are the three most important strategic issues with which you will be dealing in the next three years?" They came up with ten bundles of issues. Those were then sent out for prioritization. The top one was "What future role will the library play in the transition from paper to the electronic world?" Questions related to that were "How will we pay for changes?" and "How will we retool staff?"
There were several other questions.
- What will libraries look like when materials are all digital? (No books, no videos, no CDs.) This is not really a question of whether the book will disappear. Book use has declined. Digital is several orders of magnitude more useful than paper. When the e-book has video and is no longer a monograph, it will be much more powerful. In the digital world the question is not whether the library will survive. In the electronic world do we deserve to thrive as we did in the paper world?
- What unique contribution do libraries make to education, to culture, to society? Part of it is free access to knowledge. Telecommunications and storage will not be a factor in what things cost.
- Can the web replace libraries? Libraries aren't doing anything about the web. There has been little research in the quality of retrieval on the web. What is a library? Librarians haven't had to think about what they are doing in the paper world.
A number of action items were developed for the Keystone Principles. They included:
- Publicize the Keystone Principles.
- Lobby for appropriate legislation.
- Create outlets for organizations acting in accord with Principle One.
- Establish true collaborative efforts
- Establish buying consortia
- Partnering
Principle One: Scholarly and government information is a "public good" and must be available free of marketing bias, commercial motives, and cost to the individual user.
Principle Two: Libraries are responsible for creating innovative information systems for the dissemination and preservation of information and new knowledge regardless of format.
Eighty-five percent of research has been funded by public dollars and yet we still have to pay for it. Charlene pointed out that we need to help create the knowledge base. We need to make the information created on our campuses accessible. Libraries will
- create a digital publishing capability and new access systems free of bias and ulterior motive
- create interoperability in the systems they develop and create open source software
- accept responsibility for campus "information" management as an extension of their traditional role
- develop new measures of quality and educate the campus, accrediting agencies and the profession.
Principle Three: The academic library is the intellectual commons for the community where people and ideas interact in both the real and virtual environments to expand learning and facilitate the creation of new knowledge.
SACS Compliance and Library Assessment Practical Use of the New ACRL Standards, Dr. Bill Nelson, University Librarian, Augusta State Univ. and Dr. Bob Fernekes, Reference/User Ed. Librarian, University of South Carolina - Aiken, SC:
Bill and Bob distributed handouts that provided thorough coverage of their presentation.
Dr. Richard Skinner, President & CEO, Georgia G.L.O.B.E.:
Dr. Skinner also distributed a detailed handout of his presentation.
Merryll Penson, GIL SC Report/Union Catalog Discussion:
Merryll reported that the Phase 2 libraries, which were the ones with Y2K problems, are up. The second part of Phase 2 libraries are in training. The State Department of Archives has had training. On May 10 there will be a welcome for Phase 3 libraries in Macon. On May 11 a workshop will focus on getting prepared to use Marcive for Authority Control and for the GPO retrospective cataloging in Voyager. The technical institutes are interested in participating in GIL. We are still in the exploration stage with them. The budget has passed the legislature but has not been signed by the governor. We will continue to work on the Marcive project. There may be some training money. We will probably do acquisitions and serials for Voyager 2000 rather than the current version. On July 11-12 Media Scheduling training will be hosted by GPC. Voyager 2000 is supposed to have the ILL module. Endeavor has an agreement with Clio for development. Tom Rogers is retiring from MCG. Merryll expressed thanks for his work on GIL. Wendy Ellis will serve as Service Site Coordinator at MCG. Endeavor has asked Georgia to do a program at VUGM. They say we do this better than other consortia. The GIL User Group Meeting will be June 5-6. On Monday there will be programs on creating records using Access and MFHD in Voyager. There will be opportunities to share experiences. Merryll distributed a Universal Catalog Plan handout that was an Endeavor document that was not public. She also said that the UC subcommittee of the UC/UB went to Endeavor that week for training. Server site coordinators have also been trained. Columbus, Bainbridge, Coastal Georgia, and MCG will be beta test sites. On April 11 the UC beta test sites will be trained. April 12 will begin phase one of UC. The beta test won't be available to patrons. UC Plus will go into effect after the purchase of the E 10K machine. UB is not dependent on UC. Merryll distributed a Universal Borrowing Plan handout and a Circulation Policies handout. The group agreed that the UB committee should be encouraged to develop policies for UB without making them agree with individual policies at each institution and without requiring that local policies change.
Dr. Kris Biesinger, BOR and Lauren Fancher, OIIT, on eCore in the USG (Report, Questions and Discussion):
Kris and Lauren distributed an e core handout. Lauren has been working with Shary Karlin in Kris's office. Lauren distributed a "Proposal for eCore Library Instruction Tutorial." We will need to provide the online equivalent to an on campus BI session. The distributed concept document was developed to attempt to address that process. Charlene said that she can identify representatives to participate in the process based on the group with whom she has been meeting. The desire is to cross institutional types. Charlene's group was formed in response to her concern that libraries aren't represented in the eCore process. Charlene sent a list of the members of her group to the RACL list. There was a lengthy discussion if what and how librarians might be involved in planning for the eCore. The Cooperative Reference Network is being implemented as part of the eCore. It is expected with GALILEO's version 7.
First Business Session:
The minutes of the fall meeting will stand as posted. The OPLS report was distributed. David Singleton is resigning as of April 14. The Education Reform Act moved OPLS to the Board of Regents.
Report from the RACL Nominating Committee (Bob Fox): Bob distributed a handout with the list of nominees.
Report sent by Dr. David Morgan, BOR: Jayne reported on behalf of David Morgan. She reminded everyone that we got four million dollars in the supplemental budget for GIL. The digital library project was not funded, but the Central Office plans to request it again next year. Budgets are going to be very tight. The public libraries' transition team will involve DTAE, public libraries, and the Central Office. We want to make public libraries feel welcome and to continue our collaborative efforts.
The meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m.
FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 2000
Second Business Meeting
RACL/GAL/GIL Steering Committee's Elections: The votes were taken at the beginning of the meeting. When voting was complete, the following had been elected: RACL Chair-Elect (GALSTEER Member) - Charlene Hurt; RACL Secretary (GALSTEER Secretary) - Debbie Holmes; At-Large GALSTEER Members - Charles Beard, Callie McGinnis, and LaVerne McLaughlin; At-Large GILSTEER Members - Betty Childres and Tom Frieling; Second Regional University Representative - Bede Mitchell; Second 4-Year State University Representative - Bill Nelson; Second 2-Year College Representative - Ray Calvert.
GALILEO/RACL Collection Development (Barbara Winters/Jayne Williams): Barbara distributed a handout with the budget for renewals for FY 2001. She went on to explain that there might be some end of year money in FY 2000. The unanimous feeling at GALSTEER was to look at netLibrary for this end of year money. We need access for distance learning and eCore. The price has been $60 per book. SOLINET is negotiating a possible price of $1.50 per FTE. This is a one-time cost. You purchase the books. There are 10,000 books available now, with more being added. The user is allowed an unlimited view for fifteen minutes. They are working on two-hour circulation for consortial access. The University of Texas has had this for several months. They are seeing five to six uses per title per month even though the books aren't cataloged. We need access for places where book budgets are declining and for distance education. It would cost $200 per year to maintain the service after purchase. We have asked netLibrary to consider adding the OVID books to their collection. Most books are scholarly and university press publications. For FY2001 there is no money for new resources. We are investigating the OED. We have loaded it ourselves with a five-year contract of which two are left. There is a web version available now so we are investigating what the FTE cost would be and if we could get credit for the rest of our contract. We have some FirstSearch credit and a refund from Encyclopedia Britannica. We want to use that money for more pooled FirstSearch searches for next year because we can get them for sixty cents per search instead of the increased price of sixty-four cents. We are concerned about the cost for MLA. America: History and Life is a top priority for new titles. Full-text nursing journals are next on the list. We have quotes from Gale and OVID, but the prices are way out of our price range. OVID has scholarly journals that are not available anywhere else. Sociological Abstracts is high on the list. We might be able to get it like Cambridge Scientific where each institution pays a share of the cost. Jayne will do the calculations again and a vote can be done via e-mail. The RACL Collection Development Committee will talk about things for which we might cost share. Groves Dictionary of Music is an example of a title that a lot of people want. They have developed a checklist for subgroups that want to get together and order something as a group. Barbara will send it to the list when it is finalized.
GIL Costs: Jayne reported that Endeavor costs for next year are still being determined by Endeavor. Maintenance cost estimates are available from Jayne, but they are only an estimate. New money is being used to order the Georgia State machine so Jayne has an estimate of maintenance on that. The UC machine maintenance will be really high next year. We need to get ongoing money for GIL. It will cost $1.75 million for the machine even with a 50 percent discount. Maintenance will start next year but at a lower cost. FY 2002 is when it will get really, really high. The E 10K takes a special person to run it. The service site fee is going up, too.
SREB: Jayne will e-mail a letter about arrangements with the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) for GALILEO. They will be charged more than GALILEO members so the USG will not lose money. The SREB has a one-year trial for EBSCO. They also get public databases. They will meet with Jayne in April to renegotiate their contract for another year. Jayne hopes it will increase our EFT and bring down our costs. The Open University in the UK is also interested and talking with Jayne. We will need to determine cost recovery for this. They are interested in EBSCO, UMI, and Lexis/Nexis. Lexis/Nexis is the only database that didn't go up for next year. They are working on a cafeteria-style menu system so that campus database access can be coordinated with GALILEO. An "Ask a Reference Librarian" person will be hired for SREB and the Open University, but the person will be available for us as well. The GALSTEER Committee approved this. They are looking at extending the help desk hours to 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. as a trial. The Encyclopedia Britannica for which we paid will go away April 1. The free version will go up when it can. We are getting a lot of money back because we only paid for July through November. There will be an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education that may include GALILEO. It is to be about distance learning.
Report from the GALILEO Steering Committee (Liz Bagley): Liz reported that September 21 will be GALILEO Day. Lauren Fancher and Tim Brown are working on the plans. They are waiting on some guidance from the System Office about the reception. The RACL statistics are available online as a government document. Liz expressed thanks to George Gaumond and Valdosta State for getting the RACL statistics online. The private K through 12 schools are interested in GALILEO, but the details have not been worked out yet. Version 7 of GALILEO is expected in late May or early June.
More about eCore issues: Charlene pointed out that two things we need are teams to develop the first modules. She suggested taking the existing team and cutting it back. The names she suggested were David White, Kristen Nielson, Laura Burtle, Steve Head, and Julie Wood. She also suggested that they look at the process and looking at system resources. They may recommend a different set of modules than were proposed. Involving librarians in the courses is an ongoing process. There will be forty courses. We need to understand the process better in order to participate. We will ask that we have subject specialists to monitor development of the two courses and report back to RACL. We will need history and political science specialists. We should send possible names to Lauren. The process will involve intense work for the next month. According to Kris Biesinger, compensation is important to determine. They are reimbursing institutions for faculty involved in the process. Charlene made a proposal that travel and expenses be covered. We can track the time involved and perhaps determine future reimbursement. That can be reported to GALSTEER. Bill Nelson suggested that we set a basic reimbursement price so that we can set a principle for compensation. Kris stated that eCore is on a fast track. It is extremely complex. Charlene suggested that they need to add librarians to the list of those helping develop the eCore. She also suggested $2000 per person involved for the library portion. The group agreed. The group voted on the group as proposed by Charlene and approved that two subject specialists be identified. The preliminary reimbursement of $2000 was also approved.
Recognition of retirees/directors moving on: Liz recognized Raj Ambardekar and Harriett Mayo who are retiring and Marilyn Miller who is moving to New York. The group expressed its thanks to Liz.