Regents Academic Committee on Libraries

University System of Georgia

RACL Operating Procedures


The Regents Academic Committee on Libraries is an academic advisory committee established by the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. The membership consists of one voting member appointed by the President of each institution. In most cases, the member is the institution’s library director, dean, or university librarian. The function of the committee is:

  • To make reports and recommendations concerning the improvement of instruction, curriculum, research, and service in matters related to libraries
  • To exchange information and ideas
  • To improve resource sharing and coordination of services between units of the University System
  • To consider any other matters requested by the Senior Vice Chancellor or his/her representatives.

RACL meets twice yearly. During other times, business is conducted via e-mail and through the RACL Executive Committee.

RACL is responsible for initiating a number of resource sharing activities including GALILEO, Georgia’s Virtual Library and GIL (GALILEO Interconnected Libraries), the University System’s integrated library management system, including GIL Express, a statewide lending system.


RACL follows the Academic Committee Roles and Responsibilities of the University System of Georgia. The RACL Officers Training Manual provides a guide to RACL policies and procedures for new officers.


There are three officers, Chair, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, and Immediate Past Chair. The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect is elected each year. The term of office is one academic year, with elections held at the spring meeting.


Representation of each type of college and university as officers of RACL is an important principle. An equitable rotation pattern is to be followed, although changes may be necessary to allow for retirements and new members.


Standing committees are established to govern RACL and its activities, primarily GALILEO and GIL, including GILExpress. GALILEO and GIL governance are described on their respective web pages and are approved by RACL. The Chair of RACL serves as the Chair of the GALILEO Steering Committee and the Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect serves as the Chair of the GIL Coordinating Committee. The RACL Executive Committee is composed of the officers of RACL and the RACL members of the GALILEO Steering Committee. The RACL Executive Committee includes: Chair, Vice Chair/Chair-Elect, Immediate Past Chair, and five elected at-large members, Georgia State University library director or designee, University of Georgia library director or designee, Augusta University library director or designee, and Georgia Institute of Technology library director or designee. The Chair of RACL, with the advice of the Executive Committee, may make interim appointments to committees as necessary.

Adopted: March 15, 2007
Revised: March 27, 2009
Revised: June 17, 2016
Revised: May 15, 2023