Post-Tenure Review

Post-Tenure Review Timeline

  • September 2020
    • A working group of University System of Georgia (USG) faculty, campus leaders, system administrators and Regents is appointed by then Chancellor Steve Wrigley with the charge of revising Board of Regents (BOR) policies to support career development for all faculty and ensure accountability and continued strong performance from USG’s tenured faculty members.
    • The group begins extensive work to review what is then existing post-tenure review policy and practice, which has received no significant updates since first established in 1996.
    • The working group solicits feedback from system faculty, and receives more than 900 responses to the survey it distributes.
    • It also reviews policies in place across the nation.
  • June 2021

    The group provides its final recommendations and findings.

  • July 2021

    The group’s recommendations are distributed to USG presidents, provosts and the USG Faculty Council.

  • August 2021

    The recommendations are presented publicly to the full Board of Regents at its August board meeting.

  • Summer 2021

    Opportunities to discuss the proposals include an extended session at the summer Provosts’ and Vice Presidents of Student Affairs’ meeting, monthly meetings with the USG Faculty Council executive leadership in July, August and September, and a Q&A with the chairs of all the academic Regents’ Advisory Committees in September.

  • September 2021

    Proposed new policy language drafted from the recommendations is presented at the September BOR meeting as an informational item.

  • September – October 2021`
    • Throughout September and October, the System Office receives extensive feedback and comment from faculty concerning the proposals, including several campus resolutions.
    • Feedback is also received from institution presidents and provosts, including a discussion about the proposed changes at the annual fall Presidents’ retreat.
    • To further these discussions and input, Dr. Tristan Denley, USG’s Chief Academic Officer and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, holds town-hall meetings with the full USG Faculty Council as well as with faculty on campuses across the system.
    • Those discussions and comments result in important revisions to the proposed policy changes in order to address concerns expressed by faculty and more clearly articulate its intention.
  • October 2021

    The Board approves the amended proposed changes to USG’s post-tenure review policy.

  • October – Summer 2022

    USG moves into an implementation phase with each institution:

    • Critical to this is continuing to engage with faculty and campus leadership as they develop and refine standards that meet the unique needs on every campus.
    • These new standards must be consistent with all BOR policy, and so must build in appropriate due-process mechanisms as well as the promotion of academic freedom.
    • While the overall BOR policy ensures consistency, equity and accountability across the system, it remains a framework around which faculty and campus leadership build a post-tenure review process that works best for their individual institution.