Board of Regents Policy Manual

Official Policies of the University System of Georgia

8.3 Additional Policies for Faculty

8.3.1 Faculty Employment Recruitment and Appointment

Each University System of Georgia (USG) institution shall publish comprehensive, clearly stated, written policies and procedures for the recruitment and appointment of faculty members. These policies and procedures shall conform to guidelines promulgated by the USG Chief Academic Officer and the USG Human Resources Administrative Practices Manual (HRAP). Minimum Qualifications for Employment

Minimum faculty employment qualifications for all USG institutions and all academic ranks within these institutions shall be:

  1. Consistent with applicable requirements for institutional accreditation;
  2. Evidence of ability as a teacher;
  3. Evidence of activity as a scholar and ability in all other duties assigned;
  4. Successful experience (which will necessarily be waived for those just entering the academic profession who meet all other requirements); and,
  5. Desirable personal qualities judged on the basis of personal interview, complete biographical data, and recommendations. Research and Comprehensive Universities

In addition to the minimum qualifications above, initial appointees to the full professorial rank at State Universities and State Colleges should have a terminal degree in the appropriate discipline or the equivalent in training, ability or experience. State Universities

In addition to the minimum qualifications above, initial appointees to the full professorial rank should have a terminal degree in the appropriate discipline or the equivalent in training, ability or experience.

8.3.2 Regents’ Professorships

Regents’ Professorships may be granted by the Board of Regents to outstanding faculty members of Augusta University, the Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia State University, the University of Georgia, and, in special circumstances, other University System of Georgia (USG) institutions. A Regents’ Professorship shall be awarded by the Board only upon the unanimous recommendation of the USG institution President, chief academic officer, appropriate academic dean, and three other members of the faculty named by the President, and upon the approval of the Chancellor and the Committee on Academic Affairs.

A Regents’ Professorship shall be granted by the Board for a period of three years. Consideration of the renewal of the professorship for a second three-year period shall be given by the Board upon recommendation of the President of the USG institution, the Chancellor, and the Committee on Academic Affairs. After a period of six years the Regents’ Professorship shall be renewed at the discretion of the President of the USG institution. Regents’ Researchers

Regents’ Researcher titles may be granted by the Board of Regents to outstanding full-time principal researchers of Augusta University, the Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia State University, the University of Georgia, and, in special circumstances, other USG institutions. The Regents’ Researcher title shall be awarded by the Board only upon the unanimous recommendation of the USG institution President, chief academic officer, and three members of the faculty named by the President, and upon the approval of the Chancellor and the Committee on Academic Affairs.

A Regents’ Researcher title shall be granted by the Board for a period of three years. Consideration of the renewal of the title for a second three-year period shall be given by the Board upon recommendation of the President of the USG institution, the Chancellor, and the Committee on Academic Affairs. After a period of six years, the Regents’ Researcher title shall be renewed at the discretion of the President of the USG institution. Regents’ Innovator Leave of Absence and Regents’ Entrepreneur Designation

Regents’ Innovators Leave of Absence
The title of Regents’ Innovator may be granted by the Board of Regents to outstanding full- time tenured faculty of Augusta University, the Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia State University, the University of Georgia, and, in special circumstances, other USG institutions, to allow time away from their full-time faculty duties to focus on beginning or growing companies that commercialize a faculty member’s research, consistent with Board of Regents’ policies, including but not limited to institutional policies and practices for intellectual property. The Regents’ Innovator title shall be awarded by the Board only upon the unanimous recommendation of the USG institution President, chief academic officer, and the Chancellor and upon the approval of the Committee on Academic Affairs.

A Regents’ Innovator title shall be granted by the Board for an initial period of three years. Consideration of the renewal of the title for a second three-year period shall be given by the Board upon recommendation of the President of the USG institution, the Chancellor, and the Committee on Academic Affairs.

Faculty members with the title of Regents’ Innovator are eligible for an unpaid leave of absence (or partial or joint appointment with their current and other institutions). The USG chief academic officer will promulgate guidelines regarding Regents’ Innovator leave that will address, among other requirements, the use of institutional resources, potential and actual conflicts of interest, and the application of intellectual property policy requirements. A condition of the unpaid leave of absence includes the execution of an agreement between the faculty member and the USG institution, signed by both the faculty member and the institutional president.

Regents’ Entrepreneur Designation
The Regents’ Entrepreneur designation may be granted by the Board of Regents to an outstanding full-time tenured faculty member who has an established reputation as a successful innovator and who has taken their research into a commercial setting. The Regents’ Entrepreneur designation shall be bestowed by the Board only upon the unanimous recommendation of the USG institution President, chief academic officer, and the Chancellor and upon the approval of the Committee on Academic Affairs.

A retired faculty member who, at the time of retirement, has had ten or more years of honorable and distinguished USG service, and has previously held the Regents’ Entrepreneur designation, may be conferred with the title of Regents’ Entrepreneur Emeritus or Regents’ Entrepreneur Emerita by the Board of Regents on the recommendation of the Chancellor. Establishment of Named Positions

Support of Positions from Gifts and Endowments
No endowed chair, professorship, fellowship, or administrative position will be established or announced without prior approval of the Board of Regents, and no initial appointment will be made to a chair, professorship, fellowship, or administrative position without prior approval by the Board. Recommendations to the Board concerning specially designated positions will be made through the Chancellor to the Board. Before the final action of the Board, such recommendations will be referred to the Finance and Business Operations Committee and the Committee on Academic Affairs.

The minimum funding levels for each endowed academic position listed below shall be established by the Board upon recommendation by the Chancellor. Institutions may require funds greater than the stated minimum funding levels when developing support for endowed chairs. The categories of endowed academic positions shall be described as follows:

Research and Comprehensive Universities State Universities and State Colleges
Distinguished University Chairs $2,000,000  
Distinguished Chairs $1,000,000 Distinguished Chairs $500,000
Chairs $500,000 Chairs $300,000
Distinguished Professorships $400,000 Distinguished Professorships $200,000
Professorships $200,000 Professorships $100,000
Distinguished Scholar $100,000 Distinguished Scholar $50,000
Fellowships $50,000 Fellowships $30,000
Lecture or Seminar Series $50,000 Lecture or Seminar Series $30,000

Specially Designated Faculty Positions Funded by Endowments
Endowed chairs, professorships, and fellowships will be established by the Board of Regents upon request of the USG institution President and recommendation of the Chancellor only after confirmation that the endowment is properly funded and that the investment strategy of the endowment, wherever held, will meet the continuing demands of the chair, professorship, or fellowship. This assurance must address the proper mix of capital growth, income production, and liquidity. The USG institution will pay from its funds such amounts as are necessary to set the salary of the holder at a level commensurate with his or her record, experience, and position in the faculty. The endowment income will be used for salary supplementation and for other professional support of the holder of the endowed position, including assistance in the research of the holder.

The holder of a fellowship shall be a qualified person of professorial rank (professor, associate professor, or assistant professor), without regard to tenure status. The endowed fellowship will be used to provide temporary support, not to exceed one academic year, of:

  1. Distinguished scholars who are in temporary residence at the institution while participating in planned academic programs;
  2. Visiting scholars who are in temporary residence at the institution for special academic programs or purposes;
  3. Institution faculty who have made unique contributions to academic life or to knowledge in their academic discipline; and,
  4. Institution faculty of any academic rank irrespective of tenure status who have been selected for teaching excellence through procedures established by the USG institution.

Specially Designated Faculty Positions Funded by Multi-Year Donations
Termed faculty positions may be established with the approval of the Chancellor or his/her designee upon request of the USG institution President only after confirmation that a multiyear donation is properly funded under the following parameters:

Sector Minimum Amount Over Duration Minimum Duration
Research $150,0003 Years
Comprehensive$125,0003 Years
State University$100,0003 Years
State College$50,0003 Years

  1. These annual expendable donations may be used to subsidize a portion of the current faculty salary or for other professional support of the holder of the termed position, including assistance in the research of the holder. Termed position donated funds may not be used to increase the current faculty salary.
  2. Termed positions may be renewed when a new multi-year agreement is executed at the discretion of the institution’s President.
  3. The holder of a termed faculty position shall be a qualified person of professorial rank (professor, associate professor, or assistant professor), without regard to tenure status. Funds will be used to provide temporary support for the institution.
  4. Termed positions shall be named “The XXXXXX Termed Faculty in XXXXXX” (e.g. The Company ABC Termed Faculty in Data Science; The Jane Doe Faculty in Music.)

8.3.3 Intrasystem Recruitment and Inter-Institutional Faculty Appointments Intrasystem Recruitment

When a University System of Georgia (USG) institution President wishes to consider a full-time principal administrator or faculty member of another USG institution for employment, he or she shall notify the President of the employing institution before an offer is made to the principal administrator or faculty member. When a formal offer is made, the letter shall acknowledge that critical obligations should be fulfilled at the current institution within a reasonable and mutually agreed upon timeframe. Inter-Institutional Faculty Appointments

Inter-institutional appointments should be used for faculty who are primarily employed full-time at one USG institution (the “home institution”) but are also engaged in teaching, research, or service at another USG institution (the “requesting institution”). Inter-institutional appointments must be approved the home institution and the requesting institution or institutions. Appointments at secondary institutions shall be called Dual Faculty Appointments. Institutions interested in offering Dual Appointments must develop inter-institutional appointment policies and procedures that adhere to the Dual Appointments Section of the USG Human Resources Administrative Practices Manual HRAP and applicable law.

8.3.4 Notice of Employment and Resignation

The following notification requirements apply to those members of the faculty who have been awarded the ranks of lecturer, senior lecturer, principal lecturer, instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, or professor. Notice of Resignation by Tenured Faculty

All tenured faculty members employed under written contract for the fiscal or academic year shall give at least 60 days written notice of their intention to resign to the President of the institution or his or her designee. Renewal of Non-Tenured Faculty with Academic Ranks of Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor

All non-tenured faculty who have been awarded academic rank (instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, professor), are employed under written contract, and who served full-time for the entire previous year have the presumption of renewal of the next academic year unless notified in writing, by the President of the institution or his or her designee, of the intent not to renew. Written notice of intent not to renew shall be delivered by hand or by certified mail, to be delivered to the addressee only, with receipt to show to whom and when delivered and the address where delivered.

Notice of intention to not renew the contract of a non-tenured faculty member who has been awarded academic rank of instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, or professor shall be furnished, in writing, according to the following schedule:

  1. At least three months before the date of termination of the contract in the faculty member’s first year of service with any of the above academic ranks at the current institution;
  2. At least six months before the date of termination of the contract in the faculty member’s second year of continuous service with any of the above academic ranks at the current institution; or,
  3. At least nine months before the date of termination of the contract in the faculty member’s third or subsequent continuous year of service with any of the above academic rank at the current institution.

Previous years of service in positions other than the faculty positions with academic rank listed above shall not be included in the calculation to determine the schedule for notice of intention not to renew a faculty member’s contract. Previous years of service in any capacity at institutions other than the current institution also shall not be included in the calculation.

This schedule of notification does not apply to persons holding temporary, limited-term, or part-time positions, or persons with courtesy appointments such as adjunct appointments. This schedule of notification does not apply to Georgia Gwinnett College Faculty.

Non-tenured faculty and other non-tenured personnel employed under written contract shall be employed only for the term specified in the contract, and subsequent or future employment, if any, shall result solely from a separate offer and acceptance requisite to execution of a new and distinct contract. Employment of Lecturers, Senior Lecturers, and Principal Lecturers

Full-time lecturers, senior lecturers, and principal lecturers are appointed by institutions on a year-to-year basis.

Lecturers, senior lecturers, and principal lecturers who have served full-time for the entire previous academic year have the presumption of reappointment for the subsequent academic year unless notified in writing to the contrary as follows:

  1. For lecturers, senior lecturers, or principal lecturers with less than three years of full-time continuous service in that position at the current institution, institutions are encouraged to provide non-reappointment notice as early as possible, but no specific notice is required.
  2. For lecturers, senior lecturers, or principal lecturers with three or more years but less than six years of full-time continuous service in that position at the current institution, institutions must provide non-reappointment notice at least 30 calendar days prior to the institution’s first day of classes in the semester.
  3. For lecturers, senior lecturers, or principal lecturers with six years or more of full-time continuous service in those positions at the current institution, institutions must provide non-reappointment notice at least 180 calendar days prior to the institution’s first day of classes in the semester.

Lecturers, senior lecturers, or principal lecturers who have served for six or more years of fulltime continuous service in those positions at the current institution and who have received timely notice of non-reappointment shall be entitled to a review of the decision in accordance with published procedures developed by the institution. The procedures must be approved by the Chancellor or his or her designee prior to implementation. Additional appeal procedures are contained in the Board Policy Manual.

In no case will the service as lecturer, senior lecturer, or principal lecturer imply any claim upon tenure or reappointment under other conditions than those above.

Previous years of service in positions other than lecturer, senior lecturer, or principal lecturer positions shall not be included in the calculations to determine the schedule for notice of intention not to renew a faculty member’s contract or the availability of a review of that decision. Previous years of service in any capacity at institutions other than the current institution also shall not be included in the calculations. Georgia Gwinnett College Faculty

The notice of employment and resignation language noted in Section of this Policy Manual does not apply to faculty at Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC). Full-time faculty at GGC are appointed into non-tenure-track positions. GGC faculty members are eligible for renewable contracts, with modified contract notification. GGC faculty appointments and notification shall be governed by the following policies.

Initial Faculty Appointments

Each successful GGC faculty appointment will be eligible to receive one of the following contracts upon acceptance of an employment offer authorized by the President. For all initial faculty appointments, the President retains the discretion to determine whether a successful candidate will be offered a one-year standard non-renewable contact or a three-or five-year renewable appointment according to the faculty rank guidelines below.

  1. Candidates offered the position of Assistant Professor or below will be eligible to receive either a three-year renewable appointment or a standard one-year non-renewable appointment.
  2. Candidates offered the position of Professor or Associate Professor will be eligible to receive either a three- or five-year renewable appointment or a standard one-year nonrenewable appointment.

Contract Expiration Guidance for One-Year Non-Renewable Appointments

A GGC faculty member who is nearing completion of an initial one-year standard non-renewable contract shall receive at least three months advance written notice of intent to issue a new contract for the following year or notice of intent to end the employment relationship at contract end. GGC faculty serving under a second one-year standard non-renewable contract will receive at least six months advance written notice of intent to issue a new contract or intent to end the employment relationship at contract end. GGC faculty serving under a one-year standard non-renewable contract after two or more years of service to the institution will receive at least nine months notice of intent to issue a new contract or intent to end the employment relationship at contract end.

No further requirements other than the written notifications noted herein will be applicable in concluding the employment relationship for a standard non-renewable one-year faculty contract at GGC.

Contract Expiration Three or Five Year Renewable Appointment

A GGC faculty member employed under a three- or five-year renewable appointment will receive at least nine months written notice prior to the contract expiration in the last year of a renewable appointment term. The notice shall state the President’s intent to issue a new renewable appointment for either a three- or five-year term (based on the GGC faculty member’s rank at contract expiration) or an intent to end the employment relationship at the end of the contract.

No further requirements other than the nine-month written notification in the final appointment year will be applicable in concluding the employment relationship for a three- or five-year renewable faculty appointment.

Evaluations and Promotions

Regardless of the length or type of faculty appointment offered, each year all GGC full-time faculty members will receive a faculty performance review.

Provisional Period for Renewable Contracts

GGC faculty members serving under an initial three- or five-year renewable appointment may be required to complete a one-time provisional period not to exceed six months. At any time during the initial six-month provisional period of a three- or five- year renewable appointment, a decision may be made to notify a faculty member that a contract will not be forthcoming for the remaining two or four years respectively, except that written notice must be given at least three months prior to the end of the initial appointment year. GGC faculty members who have previously served under a non-renewable faculty contract with GGC will not be required to serve a provisional period upon acceptance of a renewable appointment. No further requirements other than the written notification will be applicable in concluding the employment relationship during the provisional period of a renewable appointment.

8.3.5 Evaluation of Personnel Faculty

Faculty shall be evaluated based on the merits of their performance and qualifications. As such, each University System of Georgia (USG) institution shall establish definite and stated criteria, consistent with Board of Regents’ policies, the Academic and Student Affairs Handbook and the statutes of the institution, against which the performance of each faculty member will be evaluated. The criteria shall include evaluation of instruction, student success activities, research/scholarship, and service as is appropriate to the faculty member’s institution, school or college, and department, and responsibilities. The criteria shall be submitted to the USG Chief Academic Officer for review and approval. Faculty shall not be evaluated based on other factors outside of these established criteria.

Each institution, as part of its evaluative procedures, will utilize a system of faculty evaluations by students, with the improvement of teaching effectiveness and student learning as the main focus of these student evaluations. The evaluation procedures may also utilize a system of peer evaluations, with emphasis placed on the faculty member’s professional development across the scope of their responsibilities. In those cases, in which a faculty member’s primary responsibilities do not include teaching, the evaluation should focus on excellence in those areas (e.g., research, administration, and elements of student success) where the individual’s major responsibilities lie. While a faculty member’s performance evaluation may be deemed as “Not Meeting Expectations” for other reasons, they must be so assessed if a majority of their work responsibilities are assessed as “Not Meeting Expectations”.

Each University System of Georgia (USG) institution shall conduct in-depth pre-tenure reviews of all faculty in their third year of progress toward tenure with a focus on the criteria established for promotion and tenure, emphasizing excellence in teaching and involvement in student success activities. The institution shall develop pre-tenure review policies, as well as any subsequent revisions.

The result of the faculty member’s annual evaluations will be utilized as a part of subsequent pre- tenure and post-tenure reviews as well as retention, promotion, and tenure decisions. Graduate Assistants

USG institutions employing graduate assistants shall develop procedures to:

  1. Provide appropriate training to support and enhance these assistants’ teaching effectiveness;
  2. Conduct regular assessments of and annually evaluate, based on written procedures and including results of student and faculty evaluations, of each assistant’s teaching effectiveness and performance; and,
  3. Assess competency in English and, if needed, provide training in English language proficiency. Academic Administrative Officers

Each USG institution shall establish definite and stated criteria, consistent with all applicable policies and statues, against which the performance of each academic administrative officer will be evaluated. These criteria shall address the distinctive nature of administrators’ work and leadership roles and shall include constituent feedback. Academic administrative officers shall be evaluated by the administrator’s supervisor annually and additionally shall be evaluated by their subordinates (one level down) at least once every five years. Evaluation results will be the basis for the academic administrative officer’s development plan. Post-Tenure Review

The post-tenure review process shall support the further career development of tenured faculty members as well as ensure accountability and continued strong performance from faculty members after they have achieved tenure.

Each tenured faculty member shall participate in a post-tenure review within five years following the award of tenure and again at least once every five years thereafter. The first post-tenure review shall assess the tenured faculty member’s performance since the award of tenure, and subsequent post-tenure reviews shall assess the performance since the most recent post-tenure review.

A tenured faculty member may voluntarily choose to participate in a post-tenure review sooner than five years. If this voluntary review is successful, then the faculty member’s next scheduled post-tenure review will take place five years after this voluntary review. In addition, a tenured faculty member whose performance is evaluated as unsatisfactory or not meeting expectations – whether overall or in any particular area – in an annual review process will be provided with a remediation plan. If the faculty member’s performance is evaluated as unsatisfactory or not meeting expectations – overall or in a particular area – again the next year, the faculty member shall then undergo a corrective post-tenure review. That review will not alter the timing of the faculty member’s regularly scheduled five-year post-tenure review thereafter.

Each tenure-granting institution must create its own specific policies for implementing this post- tenure review policy. Each institution’s policies shall be developed in consultation with the institution’s faculty and shall include appropriate due-process mechanisms. Institutions will have flexibility in their implementation to create a process appropriate to the campus context. Prior to implementation, institutions must submit policies and evaluation criteria to the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designee(s) for approval. The Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designee(s) will provide institutions with more specific guidelines for their post-tenure review policies and procedures.

Consistent with those guidelines and institutional policies, post-tenure review shall include evaluation of instruction, student success activities, research/scholarship, and service as is appropriate to the faculty member’s institution, school or college, and department. The post-tenure review will also incorporate findings from the faculty member’s annual reviews from the years since the last post-tenure review. The faculty member shall provide review materials and additional information, as provided for in the institution’s guidelines, to aid the review process.

The post-tenure review will include, at a minimum, feedback from the faculty member’s department chair and a committee of faculty colleagues. The results of the post-tenure review shall be conveyed to the faculty member. The results of the post-tenure review shall be considered in subsequent decisions on promotion, merit pay, and other rewards.

If the results of the post-tenure review are unfavorable, then a performance improvement plan shall be created by the applicable department chair and dean in consultation with the faculty member. The necessary elements of such performance improvement plans will be described in the guidelines provided by the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designee(s) as well as in each institution’s post-tenure review policies.

If the faculty member successfully completes the performance improvement plan, then the faculty member’s next post-tenure review will take place on the regular five-year schedule. If the faculty member fails to make sufficient progress in performance as outlined in the performance improvement plan (or refuses to engage reasonably in the process) as determined by the department chair and dean after considering feedback from the committee of faculty colleagues, then the institution shall take appropriate remedial action corresponding to the seriousness and nature of the faculty member’s deficiencies. If the department chair and the dean do not agree on their assessment of sufficient progress in performance, the provost will make the final assessment. The President will make the final determination on behalf of the institution regarding appropriate remedial action. An aggrieved faculty member may seek discretionary review of the institution’s final decision pursuant to the Board Policy on Applications for Discretionary Review.

Remedial actions may include, but are not necessarily limited to, suspension of pay, salary reduction, revocation of tenure, and separation from employment. The institution must give the faculty member notice of the possibility of such remedial actions when the performance improvement plan begins. The determined remedial action will be imposed in accordance with the guidelines provided by the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designee(s) as well as the institution’s post-tenure review policies. The institution’s imposition of such remedial action will not be governed by or subject to the Board Policy on Grounds for Removal or Procedures for Dismissal. However, if the remedial action is separation from employment, the faculty member has the right to request a final faculty hearing for the purpose of confirming that due process was followed in reaching the decision of separation of employment. The outcome of the faculty hearing shall not be binding, but only advisory to the President who shall make the final decision. The procedures of this final faculty hearing will be governed by the procedures found in Post-Tenure Review in the Academic & Student Affairs Handbook.

Each institution shall also develop and implement procedures to conduct post-tenure reviews with tenured faculty members who hold administrative positions. These procedures shall address the distinctive nature of administrators’ work and leadership roles, include constituent feedback, and reflect that tenure is held in faculty positions not in administrative positions. Each institution shall compile and submit an annual report on post-tenure review activity to the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designee(s).

8.3.6 Criteria for Promotion

Each University System of Georgia (USG) institution shall establish clearly-stated promotion criteria and procedures that emphasize excellence in teaching and involvement in student success activities for all teaching faculty, which shall be submitted to the USG Chief Academic Officer for review and approval. Minimum for All Institutions in All Professorial Ranks

The minimum criteria are:

  1. Excellent teaching and effectiveness in instruction;
  2. Noteworthy involvement in student success activities;
  3. Noteworthy professional service to the institution or the community;
  4. Noteworthy research, scholarship, creative activity, or academic achievement; and,
  5. Continuous professional growth and development.

Noteworthy achievement in all of the above areas is not required, but should be demonstrated in at least three areas. A written recommendation should be submitted by the head of the department concerned setting forth the reasons for promotion. The faculty member’s length of service with an institution shall be taken into consideration in determining whether or not the faculty member should be promoted. Research and Comprehensive Universities

In addition to the minimum requirements above, promotion to the rank of associate or full professor requires the terminal degree in the appropriate discipline or its equivalent in training, ability, or experience. Neither the possession of a doctorate nor longevity of service is a guarantee of promotion. State Universities

In addition to the minimum requirements above, promotion to the rank of professor requires the terminal degree in the appropriate discipline or its equivalent in training, ability, or experience. Neither the possession of a doctorate nor longevity of service is a guarantee of promotion. State Colleges

In addition to the minimum requirements above, promotion to the rank of professor requires a master’s degree in the teaching discipline, or, in rare cases, the equivalent of two years of fulltime graduate or first professional study beyond the bachelor’s degree. Longevity of service is not a guarantee of promotion. Institutions with a Blended Function

In addition to the minimum criteria above, promotion to specific ranks requires faculty to have the degree qualifications or the equivalent in training, ability, or experience associated with either the institution’s primary or secondary functional sectors, depending on which functional sector of the blended function the faculty member is supporting. Neither the possession of a doctorate nor longevity of service is a guarantee of promotion.

8.3.7 Tenure and Criteria for Tenure

None of the procedures in Section 8.3.7 apply to faculty at Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC). General Information Regarding Tenure

Each University System of Georgia (USG) institution, with the exception of GGC, shall establish clearly- stated tenure criteria and procedures that emphasize excellence in teaching and involvement in student success activities for all teaching faculty, conform to the requirements listed below, and are approved by the USG Chief Academic Officer. The requirements listed below are the minimum standard for award of tenure, but shall be sufficiently flexible to permit an institution to make individual adjustments appropriate to its mission. While the Board of Regents has delegated authority for tenure decisions to institution presidents, if an institution is not carrying out its faculty review process in a sufficiently rigorous manner the Board of Regents may move the authority to award tenure to the Board level until institutional processes have been remediated. Tenure Requirements

Tenure resides at the institutional level. Institutional responsibility for employment of a tenured individual is to the extent of continued employment on a 100 percent workload basis for two out of every three consecutive academic terms until retirement, resignation, separation as remedial action related to post-tenure review, dismissal for cause, or release because of financial exigency or program modification as determined by the Board of Regents.

Only assistant professors, associate professors, and professors are eligible for tenure. Normally, only faculty who are employed full-time, defined as service on a 100 percent workload basis for at least two out of three consecutive academic terms, by an institution are eligible for tenure. Faculty members holding these professorial ranks who are employed by a USG institution on less than a full-time basis and who are assigned by the USG institution to or hold an appointment at a non-USG corporate or governmental entity shall, subject to the approval of the Chancellor, be eligible for promotion and the award of tenure by the institution President.

The award of tenure is limited to the above academic ranks and shall not be construed to include honorific appointments such as adjunct appointments. Faculty with non-tenure track appointments shall not acquire tenure. Criteria for Tenure

Minimum for All Institutions in All Professorial Ranks
The minimum criteria for tenure are demonstrating:

  1. Excellence and effectiveness in teaching and instruction;
  2. Outstanding involvement in student success activities;
  3. Academic achievement, as appropriate to the institution’s mission;
  4. Outstanding service to the institution, profession, or community; and,
  5. Professional growth and development.

Noteworthy achievement is required in at least two of the above categories, but is not required in all categories. A written recommendation should be submitted by the head of the department concerned setting forth the reasons for tenure. The faculty member’s length of service with an institution shall be taken into consideration in determining whether or not the faculty member should be tenured, but neither the possession of a doctorate degree nor longevity of service is a guarantee of tenure.

Research and Comprehensive Universities

In addition to the minimum criteria above, tenure at the rank of associate or full professor requires the terminal degree in the appropriate discipline or its equivalent in training, ability, or experience.

State Universities

In addition to the minimum criteria above, tenure requires the terminal degree in the appropriate discipline or its equivalent in training, ability, or experience.

State Colleges

In addition to the minimum criteria above, tenure requires a Master’s Degree in the teaching discipline or, in rare cases, at least the equivalent of two years of full-time study beyond the bachelor’s degree. Award of Tenure

Tenure may be awarded, upon approval of the institution President upon completion of a probationary period of at least five continuous years of full-time service at the rank of assistant professor or higher. A maximum of two years of interruption because of a leave of absence or part-time service may be permitted and credit for the probationary period of an interruption may be given at the discretion of the President. In all cases in which a leave of absence, approved by the President, is based on birth or adoption of a child, or disability or prolonged illness of the employee or immediate family member, the five-year probationary period may be suspended during the leave of absence.

A maximum of three years’ credit toward the minimum probationary period may be allowed for service in tenure track positions at other institutions or for full-time service at the rank of instructor or lecturer at the same institution. Such credit for prior service shall be approved in writing by the President at the time of the initial appointment at the rank of assistant professor or higher.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Policy Manual, in exceptional cases, an institution President may approve an outstanding distinguished senior faculty member for the award of tenure upon the faculty member’s initial appointment, which is referred to as “tenure upon appointment.” Each recommendation shall be granted only when the faculty member, at a minimum, is appointed as an associate or full professor, was already tenured at a prior institution, and brings a demonstrably national reputation to the institution. If the person being appointed to an administrative position has not previously held tenure, the award of tenure must be approved by the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designee. When a President hires a chief academic officer, the award of tenure upon appointment shall not vest until the completion of any applicable probationary period. Notification of Tenure Award

Upon approval of the award of tenure to an individual by the institution President, the individual shall be notified in writing by the President with a copy of the notification forwarded to the USG Chief Academic Officer. Maximum Times Without Award of Tenure

Except for the approved suspension of the probationary period due to a leave of absence, the maximum time that may be served at the rank of assistant professor or above without the award of tenure shall be seven years, but a terminal contract for an eighth year may be proffered if a recommendation for tenure is not approved by the President.

The maximum time that may be served in combination of full-time instructional appointments (instructor or professorial ranks) without the award of tenure shall be ten years, but a terminal contract for the eleventh year may be proffered if a recommendation for tenure is not approved by the President.

Except for the approved suspension of the probationary period due to a leave of absence, the maximum period of time that may be served at the rank of full-time instructor shall be seven years. Loss of Tenure or Probationary Credit Towards Tenure

Tenure or probationary credit towards tenure is lost upon:

  1. Resignation from an institution;
  2. Written resignation from a tenured position in order to take a non-tenured position; or,
  3. Written resignation from a position for which probationary credit toward tenure is given in order to take a position for which no probationary credit is given.

In the event such an individual is again employed as a candidate for tenure, probationary credit for the prior service may be awarded in the same manner as for service at another institution. Augusta University

Anything in this policy manual to the contrary notwithstanding, faculty members employed by Augusta University who hold a professorial rank in a tenure track position of assistant professor or above and who also hold a part-time or full-time appointment at the Veterans Administration Medical Center-Augusta (VA), shall be eligible for the award of tenure at Augusta University upon completion of at least five years of full-time or part-time service at the rank of assistant professor or higher, as noted in this policy section.

Such faculty members shall otherwise meet the other requirements set forth in this Policy Manual and the statutes of Augusta University for the award of tenure to full-time faculty. Such faculty members who have been employed previously by Augusta University for five consecutive years or more shall be eligible to apply for tenure.

The tenure of a faculty member who also holds a VA appointment shall apply only to that portion of a faculty member’s salary and benefits that are provided directly by Augusta University. In no event shall the award of tenure to faculty members holding such joint appointments obligate Augusta University to assume any portion of the salary or other benefits provided by the VA.

In the event a faculty member who has been awarded tenure at Augusta University under the provisions of this section shall for any reason cease to be employed by the VA, Augusta University shall have the right, at its sole discretion, to revoke the tenure, employment, or other affiliation of the faculty member by Augusta University without a hearing or other due process procedures or requirements set forth in this Policy Manual and the statutes of Augusta University for other full-time tenured faculty. After termination of employment or revocation of tenure, Augusta University shall not be obligated to provide such faculty members with any further salary, benefits, or other financial support. Termination or Layoff of Tenured Personnel Due to Program Modification

The Board of Regents may exercise its authority to modify programs at various USG institutions. Such modification may result from a significant change of institutional mission or academic priorities that may be influenced by long-term declines in degree program productivity or financial exigency.

These changes may result in permanent termination of academic programs or permanent and significant reduction in size thereof. A program modification of such magnitude that requires the termination of tenured faculty members will be implemented only after completion of a study by the Chancellor’s staff with institutional administrative and faculty participation. The Chancellor will report the results of that study to the Board along with recommended guidelines under which program modification will be effected. The USG Chief Academic Officer shall issue procedures on program modification.

8.3.8 Non-Tenure Track Personnel

University System of Georgia (USG) institutions may establish non-tenure track positions. Positions designated as non-tenure track positions or tenure track positions may be converted to the other type only by approval of the institution President.

Non-tenure track positions may be established for full-time professional personnel employed in administrative positions or to staff research, technical, special, career, and public service programs or programs that are anticipated to have a limited lifespan or that are funded, fully or partially, through non-USG sources. There shall be no maximum time limitation for service in positions in this category.

The following provisions shall apply to all non-tenure track professional personnel:

  1. Individuals employed in non-tenure track positions shall not be eligible for consideration for the award of tenure;
  2. Probationary credit toward tenure shall not be awarded for service in non-tenure track positions, except for lecturers and senior lecturers;
  3. Notice of intention not to renew contracts of non-tenure track personnel who have been awarded academic rank (instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, and professor) shall follow the schedule required for tenure track personnel, but this schedule of notification shall not apply to other professional personnel; and,
  4. Individuals employed in non-tenure track positions may apply on an equal basis with other candidates for tenure track positions that become available.

The transfer of individuals from tenure-track positions to non-tenure track positions shall be effected on a voluntary basis only. Employment of Full-Time Lecturers

USG institutions may appoint instructional staff members to the position of lecturer, senior lecturer, or principal lecturer. Lecturers, senior lecturers, and principal lecturers are not eligible for the award of tenure. Reappointment of Full-Time Lecturers

Reappointment of a lecturer who has completed six consecutive years of service to an institution will be permitted only if the lecturer has demonstrated exceptional teaching ability and extraordinary value to the institution and if the institution determines that there is a continued need for the lecturer. The reappointment process must follow procedures outlined by the institution.

Not more than 20 percent of an institution’s full-time equivalent corps of primarily undergraduate instruction may be lecturers, senior lecturers, or principal lecturers. Senior Lecturers and Principal Lecturers

Lecturers who have served at the employing USG institution for at least six years may be considered for promotion to senior lecturer or principal lecturer at the discretion of the institution if the relevant title has been adopted by the institution and the institution has clearly-stated promotion criteria.

Institutions are discouraged from initial hiring at the senior lecturer and principal lecturer levels. Promotion to senior lecturer and principal lecturer requires approval by the President.

Reappointment procedures for senior lecturers and principal lecturers follow the same reappointment procedures as those for lecturers. Senior lecturers and principal lecturers are not eligible for the award of tenure. Academic Professionals

Institutions are authorized to establish non-tenure track professional positions, with the approval of the Chancellor, with academic professional titles assigned to such appropriate positions as defined below. The designation Academic Professional would apply to a variety of academic assignments that call for academic background similar to that of a faculty member with professorial rank, but which are distinctly different from professorial positions. Persons in such positions may be involved in duties of a managerial, research, technical, special, career, public service, or instructional support nature.

The following stipulations apply to all Academic Professional positions:

  1. The position requires an appropriate terminal degree, or, in rare and extraordinary circumstances, qualification on the basis of demonstrably successful related experience, which exception is expressly approved by the institution President;
  2. The Academic Professional designation may not be assigned to a position where the teaching and research responsibilities total 50 percent or more of the total assignment; and
  3. The position is not a tenure-track position and the holder of the position is not eligible for consideration for the award of tenure or probationary credit toward tenure.

General categories for Academic Professionals include:

  1. Training and instructional support, which includes educational needs assessment, program development and coordination, instructional materials and technology development, delivery of specialized or skill acquisition instruction, and program evaluation. In light of the restriction above, Academic Professionals must be persons whose instructional duties account for less than half of their total time.
  2. Technical assistance in an advisory or operating role that provides specialized knowledge appropriate for program support and development with activities ranging from a significant or advisory or operating role to managing a technical support unit to development of organizational structures and function.
  3. Specialized management, which includes supervision of clinical practice or field experience or providing services or out-of-class educational opportunities for students.

Career ladders may be established for Academic Professionals, using the following titles: Academic Professional Associate, Academic Professional, and Senior Academic Professional.

8.3.9 Discipline and Removal of Faculty Members

The President of a University System of Georgia (USG) institution or his or her designee may at any time remove any faculty member or other employee of an institution for cause. Cause shall include willful or intentional violation of the Board of Regents’ policies or the approved statutes or bylaws of an institution or as otherwise set forth in the Board of Regents’ policies and the approved statutes or bylaws of an institution. Such removals for cause shall be governed by the following policies on Grounds for Removal and Procedures for Dismissal. Remedial actions taken as part of the post tenure review process shall not be governed by these policies on Grounds for Removal and Procedures for Dismissal, but rather shall be governed by the Board Policy on Post Tenure Review. Grounds for Removal

A tenured or non-tenured faculty member may be dismissed before the end of his or her contract term for any of the following reasons, provided that the institution has complied with procedural due process requirements:

  1. Conviction or admission of guilt of a felony or of a crime involving moral turpitude during the period of employment or prior thereto if the conviction or admission of guilt was willfully concealed;
  2. Professional incompetency and neglect of duty that are not identified as part of the post-tenure review process, or default of academic integrity in teaching, research, or scholarship;
  3. Unlawful manufacture, distribution, sale, use, or possession of marijuana, a controlled substance, or other drugs as defined by applicable laws; teaching or working under the influence of alcohol or illegal or dangerous drugs, which interferes with the faculty member’s performance of duties or responsibilities to the institution or his or her profession;
  4. Conviction or admission of guilt in a court proceeding of any criminal drug offense;
  5. Physical or mental incompetency as determined by law or by a medical board of three or more licensed physicians and reviewed by a committee of the faculty;
  6. False swearing with respect to official documents or statements filed with or given to the institution;
  7. Disruption of any teaching, research, administrative, disciplinary, public service, or other authorized activity;
  8. Violation of Board of Regents’ policies; and,
  9. Other grounds for dismissal as may be specified in the institution statutes of the institution, which may supplement the Board of Regents’ policies governing causes and procedures for dismissal.

Each institution should provide for standards governing faculty conduct, including sanctions short of dismissal and procedures for implementing such sanctions. In imposing sanctions, the burden of proof lies with the institution. Procedures for Dismissal

These procedures shall apply only to the dismissal of a faculty member with tenure or a non-tenured faculty member before the end of the term specified in his or her contract.

These procedures are the minimum standards of due process and do not limit an institution from adopting its own additional standards or procedures consistent with the Board of Regents’ policies and bylaws. Such additional standards or procedures shall be incorporated into the statutes of the institution.

Preliminary Procedures

The dismissal of a tenured faculty member or a non-tenured faculty member during his or her contract term should be preceded by:

  1. Discussion between the faculty member and appropriate administrative officers looking toward a mutual settlement.
  2. Informal inquiry by an appropriate faculty committee which may, upon failing to effect an adjustment, advise the President whether dismissal proceedings should be undertaken, though the advisory opinion shall not be binding upon the President.
  3. A letter to the faculty member forewarning that he or she is about to be terminated for cause and informing him or her that a statement of charges will be forwarded to him or her upon request. The faculty member may request a formal hearing on the charges before a faculty committee. Failure to request charges or a hearing within a reasonable time shall constitute a waiver of the right to a hearing.
  4. A statement of charges, if requested by the faculty member, framed with reasonable particularity by the President or his or her designee. Along with the charges, the faculty member shall be advised of the names of the witnesses to be used against him or her together with the nature of their expected testimony.

A dismissal shall be preceded by statement of charges or grounds for dismissal if requested by the faculty member, including a statement that the faculty member shall have the right to be heard by a faculty hearing committee, which shall consist of not fewer than three or more than five impartial faculty members appointed by the executive committee (or its equivalent) of the highest legislative body of the faculty, from among the members of the entire faculty of the institution. Members of the hearing committee may serve concurrently on other committees of the faculty.

When the hearing committee is called into session, it shall elect a chair from among its membership. The hearing committee will meet as a body when it is called into session by the chair at the chair’s discretion or upon the request of the President or the faculty member who is subject to dismissal. A minimum of three committee members is required for any vote or official action to be taken.

A hearing committee member should remove himself or herself from the case, either at the request of a party or on his or her own initiative, if he or she deems himself or herself disqualified for bias or interest. Each party shall have a maximum of two challenges without stated cause that shall be made in writing and filed with the chair of the hearing committee at least five days in advance of the date set for the hearing.

Additionally, the chair may decide whether a member of the committee should be disqualified for cause. If a committee member is removed, the replacement shall be made in the same manner as the original committee was selected. If the chair is removed, the committee shall elect a new chair after committee replacements have been appointed.

Dismissal Procedures

When a hearing is requested, the following hearing procedures shall apply:

  1. Service of notice of the hearing with specific reasons or charges against the faculty member together with the names of the members of the hearing committee shall be provided to the charged faculty member in writing at least 20 days prior to the hearing. The faculty member may waive a hearing or respond to the charges in writing at least five days in advance of the date set for the hearing. If a faculty member waives a hearing, but denies the charges or asserts that the charges do not support a finding of adequate cause, the hearing committee shall evaluate all available evidence and rest its recommendation upon the evidence in the record.
  2. The hearing committee, in consultation with the President and the charged faculty member, may exercise its judgment as to whether the hearing should be public or private in accordance with applicable law.
  3. During the proceedings the charged faculty member, the administration, and the hearing committee may each have advisory or counsel of his, her, or their choice.
  4. At the request of either party or the chair of the hearing committee, a representative of a responsible education association shall be permitted to attend the hearing as an observer.
  5. A tape recording or transcript of the proceedings shall be kept in accordance with institution policies and procedures and made available to the charged faculty member and the administration in the event an appeal is filed.
  6. An oath or affirmation shall be administered to all witnesses by any person authorized by law to administer oaths in the State of Georgia.
  7. The hearing committee may grant adjournments to enable either party to investigate evidence as to which a valid claim of surprise is made.
  8. The charged faculty member and the administration shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to obtain necessary witnesses and documentary or other evidence.
  9. The charged faculty member and the administration will have the right to confront and cross-examine all witnesses. Where the witness cannot or will not appear but the committee determines that the interests of justice require the admission of his or her statement, the committee will identify the witness, disclose the statement, and, if possible, provide for interrogatories.
  10. The hearing committee is not bound by strict rules of legal evidence and may admit any evidence that is of probative value in determining the issues involved. Every possible effort will be made to obtain the most reliable evidence available. All questions relating to admissibility of evidence or other matters shall be decided by the chair or presiding officer of the committee.
  11. The findings of fact and the decision of the hearing committee will be based solely on the hearing record.
  12. Except for announcements concerning the time of the hearing and similar matters, public statements, and publicity about the case by either the charged faculty member or administrative officer should be avoided until the proceedings have been completed, including consideration by the Board of Regents in the event an appeal is filed.
  13. The President and the charged faculty member shall be notified in writing of the decision and recommendation, if any, of the hearing committee. If the hearing committee concludes that adequate cause for dismissal has not been established by the evidence in the record, it will advise the President. If the President does not approve the committee’s decision, he or she should state his or her reasons in writing to the committee for response before rendering his or her final decision. If the committee concludes that an academic penalty less than dismissal would be more appropriate than dismissal, it may so recommend with supporting reasons. The President may or may not follow the recommendations of the committee.
  14. After complying with the foregoing procedures, the President shall send an official letter to the charged faculty member notifying him or her of the President’s decision. Such letter shall be delivered to addressee only with receipt to show to whom and the address where delivered. The letter shall clearly state any charges that the President has found sustained and shall notify such person that he or she may apply for discretionary review as provided for in Board of Regents’ Policy.
  15. Upon dismissal by the President, the faculty member shall be suspended from employment without pay from the date of the final decision of the President. Should the faculty member be reinstated pursuant to an application for discretionary review under Board of Regents’ Policy, he or she shall be compensated from the date of the suspension. Dismissal of Temporary, Limited Term, or Part-Time Instructional Personnel

Temporary or part-time personnel serving without a written contract hold their employment at the pleasure of the institution President and chief academic officer and their immediate supervisor, any of whom may discontinue the employment of such employee without cause or advance notice. Temporary Suspension During Pendency of Criminal Charges

When a faculty member of any USG institution is charged with the violation of a state or federal law, or is indicted for any such offense, a thorough review shall be carried out promptly by the President’s appointed designee. If upon the completion of such review the President’s designee determines that it is in the best interests of the institution, the faculty member may be temporarily suspended with or without pay.

In the event a faculty member is temporarily suspended, the faculty member may request a review within ten days of being notified of the decision. If the faculty member does so, the President shall immediately convene an ad hoc faculty committee or utilize the services of an appropriate existing faculty committee for the purpose of reviewing the suspension. The review shall be conducted based on written submissions from the faculty member and the President’s designee and any additional materials that the committee finds to be appropriate in accordance with procedures to be established by the committee, which shall render its decision within ten days after the date that the committee was convened. The committee will recommend that the suspension either continue or cease. If it recommends that the suspension continue, it should also recommend whether the remainder of the suspension should be with or without pay. The President will then consider the committee’s recommendations and promptly make a final decision regarding the suspension. The faculty member may thereafter apply for discretionary review of the institution’s final decision under Board of Regents’ Policy.

A suspension under this Policy shall not continue beyond the resolution of the criminal charges / indictment, or the conclusion of the next succeeding semester after the initiation of the temporary suspension, whichever is sooner.

Should the initiation of disciplinary proceedings beyond a temporary suspension become appropriate, the institution may initiate such proceedings in accordance with other applicable policies either during or after the conclusion of the temporary suspension.

8.3.10 Faculty Employment Applications

An employment application shall be completed by each person formally applying for a faculty position in a University System of Georgia institution. The application must be kept on file at the institution concerned. Faculty positions are considered positions of trust subject to the applicable provisions in the Human Resources Administrative Practice Manual.

8.3.11 Faculty Contracts

University System of Georgia (USG) institutions shall use the following appropriate official faculty contract forms, which are contained in the Academic & Student Affairs Handbook.

  1. Fiscal year (twelve -month) contract for non-tenured faculty on tenure track, and for non-tenure track personnel including lecturers, senior lecturers, and principal lecturers;
  2. Fiscal year (twelve -month) contract for tenured faculty;
  3. Academic year contract for tenured faculty;
  4. Academic year contract for non-tenured faculty;
  5. Fiscal year (twelve -month) contract for tenured personnel holding joint employment at the Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center, Augusta and Augusta University;
  6. Contract for administrators with professorial ranks in the following categories: tenured personnel, non-tenured personnel on tenure track, and non-tenure track personnel; and,
  7. Contract forms for faculty at Georgia Gwinnett College for renewable appointment contracts for three- or five-year terms.

USG institutions should not use the specified contracts for full-time temporary, limited-term, or part-time faculty. The administrative contract should only be used for administrators with professorial rank.

Failure to sign and return such contracts within the time period specified therein may be construed as an abandonment of employment rights.

Any other provision in these policies to the contrary notwithstanding, faculty members who fail to verify or maintain the credentials, degree, certification or license required to meet the terms and conditions of their contract shall be subject to immediate dismissal for breach of their employment contract.

8.3.12 Compensation Salaries

The Board of Regents receives an annual appropriation from the General Assembly for all phases of its operations, which may be increased or decreased by the General Assembly or the Governor during the period of any fiscal year. Expenditures for University System of Georgia (USG) operation are, therefore, necessarily contingent upon legislative appropriations.

In the event that the General Assembly or the Governor reduces the amount of funds appropriated to the Board, the compensation of all employees and other operating expenses may be correspondingly reduced, but the Board will attempt, in so far as possible, to maintain current salary commitments and to exert its best efforts to that end. Criteria for Determining Salaries

Consistent with Regents’ policies on salary administration and nondiscrimination and the approved purpose of the institution, each USG institution shall utilize specific criteria for the determination of entry-level salaries for full-time members of the Corps of Instruction and the extent of salary increases awarded to currently employed full-time faculty members.

Entry-Level Salary

Each entry-level salary shall be determined on the basis of the specific requirements of the position and the qualifications of the individual employed to fill the position. Position criteria shall include the academic rank, the academic discipline, and the nature of the responsibilities to be performed. Criteria related to the qualifications of the individual shall include:

  1. Academic degrees earned;
  2. Teaching and other relevant experience;
  3. Research and publication record;
  4. Academic achievements and honors; and,
  5. Relevant professional achievements or recognitions.

Salary Increases for Corps of Instruction

Salary increases for full-time teaching faculty shall be awarded on the basis of merit. Criteria for determining the extent of such increases shall include:

  1. Teaching performance;
  2. Completion of significant professional development activities including the attainment of additional academic degrees;
  3. Promotion in rank;
  4. Research productivity;
  5. Academic achievements and publications;
  6. Academic honors and recognitions;
  7. Relevant professional achievements and recognitions; and,
  8. Non-teaching services to the institution.

Each USG institution shall identify specific criteria, consistent with this policy and the Board of Regents’ Policy on Salary Administration, for determining the extent of salary increases and the methods by which the faculty member’s performance will be evaluated for purpose of the determining salary increases. The criteria and the evaluation methods shall be published in the institution’s faculty handbook.

Salary for a Fiscal Year Administrative Employee Returning to an Academic Appointment as a Faculty Member

When a fiscal year administrative employee returns to an academic appointment as a faculty member, the individual’s salary shall be determined on the same basis as other faculty members with similar rank and experience within the department to which he/ or she returns or in other similar positions within the institution. Summer School Salaries

Payment of compensation to faculty members for full-time employment during the summer session shall be at a rate not to exceed 33 and 1/3 percent of their regular nine-months compensation for the previous academic year. Research, Saturday Classes, and Off-Campus Continuing Education

Research and Saturday classes will ordinarily be carried by USG personnel as part of their normal work load without additional financial compensation. Adequate allowance in time assigned for the extra duties shall be made by a proportionate decrease in the teaching load. When off-campus services conducted through a continuing education center can be included in the normal work load of an individual, no additional compensation shall be paid. Extra Compensation

Extra compensation may be paid to USG faculty when all four of the following conditions exist:

  1. The work is carried in addition to a normal full load;
  2. No qualified person is available to carry the work as part of his or her normal load;
  3. The work meets institutional needs and priorities as determined by the institution President or his or her designee; and,
  4. The additional duties are not so heavy as to interfere with the performance of regular duties.

When extra compensation is paid, it shall be in line with compensation paid for performance of similar duties. Salary Supplements from Cooperative Organizations

Salary supplements from cooperative organizations may only be authorized upon the recommendation and approval of the President of the institution. No consideration shall be given to salary supplements that may be paid from cooperative organizations or other sources that are over and above the regular salary paid with state funds. A supplemental budget shall be prepared to include supplements to be paid from cooperative organizations or other sources.

The salary to be paid from state funds for summer school employment or for a leave of absence with pay shall be based on the approved salary exclusive of any supplement.

Each faculty or staff member receiving a salary supplement shall be advised that he or she is receiving the salary supplement with information as to the amount of and source of funds. Employment of Faculty Members with Agency Funds

Whenever it is desired to employ a person at any USG institution whose salary is to be paid in whole or in part with funds provided by a person, foundation, organization, or any agency other than a governmental agency, the President of the institution concerned shall recommend to the Board of Regents, through the Chancellor, the employment of the person, with full details of his or her qualifications and the availability of funds for paying his or her salary. More information on Agency Funds can be found in the Business Procedures Manual.

8.3.13 Faculty Development

Each University System of Georgia institution shall maintain a campus-wide professional growth and development program that supports the continuous improvement of all faculty in their roles as teachers, scholars, researchers, and professionals engaged in service to the institution, the community, and the profession. Each institution’s program must be aligned with the institution’s mission, key initiatives, and strategic plan and must cultivate and sustain a culture in which faculty professional development is valued and pervasive.

The program should specify how faculty development is incorporated into each area of faculty performance evaluations and should be grounded in best practices for faculty development to inform faculty of opportunities, empower them to stay current, and reward them for enhancing their skills. The program should be goal-driven, include a mechanism to evaluate its effectiveness, and explain how the information gathered will be used to enhance faculty development. Programs must be endorsed by the appropriate faculty governance process and the institution’s President.

8.3.14 Enhancing Teaching and Learning in K-12 Schools and USG Institutions

University System of Georgia (USG) institutions shall support and reward faculty who participate in significant and approved efforts to improve teaching and learning in K-12 schools and USG institutions through decisions in promotion and tenure, pre-tenure and post-tenure review, annual review and merit pay, workload, recognition, allocation of resources, and other rewards consistent with the related provisions in the Academic & Student Affairs Handbook.

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