General Resources
USG Company Codes
Document listing all of institution Company Codes within the University System of Georgia (USG).
Query Resources
Query Listings
Document of all BOR queries by module. These listings are updated with each release when queries are created or updated.
Query Key RecordsDocument of OneUSG Connect Query Key Records.
- OneUSG Connect Query Key Records (All Modules) Updated Aug. 22, 2019
Other Resources -
In the Know Presentations
In the Know with OneUSG Connect webcasts takes place on a monthly basis. They are for practitioners to get updates from module areas, information about upcoming releases, and details about future events. Below are the presentation slides from recent webcasts.
June 10 Webcast Presentation Slides
May 13 Webcast Presentation Slides
April 8 Webcast Presentation Slides
March 11 Webcast Presentation Slides
February 12 Webcast Presentation Slides
January 8 Webcast Presentation Slides
2019December 11 Webcast Presentation Slides
November 12 Webcast Presentation Slides
October 9 Webcast Presentation Slides
September 11 Webcast Presentation Slides
August 14 Webcast Presentation Slides
July 10 Webcast Presentation Slides
June 12 Webcast Presentation Slides
April 10 Webcast Presentation Slides
March 18 Webcast Presentation Slides
February 13 Webcast Presentation Slides
January 9 Webcast Presentation Slides
December 12 Webcast Presentation Slides
November 15 Webcast Presentation Slides
October 10 Webcast Presentation Slides
September 20 Webcast Presentation Slides
August 8 Webcast Presentation Slides
July 11 Webcast Presentation Slides
June 13 Webcast Presentation Slides
May 30 Webcast Presentation Slides
May 16 Webcast Presentation Slides
April 18 Webcast Presentation Slides
- Cohort 6 Resources
Workshop/Conference Presentations
Mid-Year Fiscal Affairs Workshop
HPLAY is a clone environment that all institutions can use to create & test scenarios and see the outcome without affecting production. HPLAY is refreshed weekly and is scrubbed to replace account numbers, social security numbers, and national identification numbers.
HTRN is a clone environment that institutions can use for training and testing. HTRN refreshes monthly on the last Saturday of each month. Training users (users with “TRAIN” in the user ID) will be retained for future use. The information that is scrubbed includes Social Security Number, National ID, account number, name, address, phone, and E-mail address.
OneUSG/HR interactUSG 2019 Presentations
Here are the presentations that were delivered at this year’s 2019 interactUSG conference.
Common Remitter
Commitment Accounting
Self Service