
External Affairs Division

Media Advisory University of Georgia President to be Introduced

Atlanta — June 23, 1997

WHO: Dr. Michael F. Adams, President-Elect, The University of Georgia
Regent Donald M. Leebern, Jr., Chair, Special Regents Committee
Dr. Stephen R. Portch, Chancellor, University System of Georgia

WHAT: Introduction of the 21st president of The University of Georgia

WHEN: 11:30 a.m., Thursday, June 26, 1997

WHERE: Georgia Center for Continuing Education, Television Studio, Main Floor Lumpkin Street at Carlton Street, University of Georgia Campus, in Athens, and statewide via satellite at five University System of Georgia institutions

  • Armstrong Atlantic State University’s and Savannah State University’s Coastal Georgia Center for Continuing Education, Room #210, 305 Martin Luther King Blvd., Savannah
    Contact: Sarah Metzgar Phone: (912) 927-5223

  • Augusta State University, 101 Galloway Hall, 2500 Walton Way, Augusta
    Contact: Marian Cheek Phone: (706) 737-1444

  • Columbus State University, Elizabeth Bradley Turner Center, Room 211, Lindsay Drive, Columbus, Georgia
    Contact: Cheryl Gaston Phone: (706) 568-2030

  • Darton College, Allied Health Community Services Building, Room #J128 (Building J), East Side of the Darton Campus, Albany
    Contact: Richard Bivins Phone: (912) 430-6709

  • Georgia College and State University’s Macon Campus Education Technology Center, Room 304, 3920 Arkwright Road, Macon
    Contact: Max Allen Phone: 912) 445-4477
    On-Site: Foster Goff Phone: (912) 471-2847

WHY: To introduce Dr. Michael Adams to the statewide media and alumni constituents

HOW: SATELLITE: GE 1, KU-band, 103 degrees west, Transponder 24V; Downlink frequency 12180 and via an (800) telephone line in operation from 11:15 a.m. on 6/26 to receive media calls from reporters around the state. The toll-free number for call-in questions will be: (800) 239-6366

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