Gordon College Presidential Search Extended
Atlanta — March 17, 2011
University System of Georgia Chief Operating Officer Rob Watts announced today that the presidential search process at Gordon College in Barnesville, Georgia, is being extended through the summer.
“Additional time is needed to develop the pool of high-quality candidates,” said Watts, “The Gordon College presidential search and screen committee is doing an excellent job, and there is no reason to rush their work.”
The Gordon College presidential search and screen committee is now expected to interview candidates in early fall. The committee will recommend three to five finalists to the Special Regents Search Committee.
The Special Regents Search Committee comprises Regents Jim Jolly (chair), Don Leebern (vice chair), Fred Cooper, Dr. Tommy Hopkins and Willis Potts. Chancellor Erroll Davis Jr. will serve as an ex officio member of the Regents Committee. The Special Regents Search Committee will interview the finalists and make a recommendation to the full Board of Regents.
A new president is expected to take office in early 2012. Shelley Nickel will continue serving as Interim President until that time.
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