International Education

Academic Affairs Division

Faculty Resources & FAQs



Faculty Expectations and Roles
Prior to the start of the trip/course:

  • Confirm travel plans and travel date exceptions with Program Director and ensure at least one flight to or from the U.S. is with students.
  • Attend faculty training/orientation in April.
  • Attend student orientation in May.
  • Plan and confirm all course site lectures.
  • Assist in recruitment for the program and my courses.

During the trip/course:

  • Attend all meetings called by the Program Director.
  • Teach courses during the assigned course schedule.
  • Maintain office hours assigned by the Program Director.
  • Assist Program Director with duties outside of teaching load as requested.
  • Complete and submit incident reports.

At the end of the trip/course:

  • Complete all program evaluations.
  • Submit grades into GoView by the advertised deadline.
  • Submit requests for per diem reimbursements or cash advance reconciliations to home institution within 45 days of return to the U.S.

Further acknowledgments:

  • Faculty evaluation information may be provided to his or her department chair and VPAA at his or her home institution.
  • Due to insufficient enrollment, the class sections and/or program to which he or she is assigned may be canceled, which means his or her travel arrangements will be canceled.
  • All USG Goes Global faculty are paid by their home institutions via funds collected and provided by USG Goes Global collected tuition. Payment questions should be directed to the faculty member’s home institution. USG Goes Global faculty remain employees of their home institutions during their time teaching in a USG Goes Global program.
  • All USG Goes Global faculty are contracted on a semester-by-semester basis. No one is authorized to make assurances or promise teaching positions in future semesters.
  • USG Goes Global faculty must teach two 3-credit hour courses (though 1 course for 2-week programs is acceptable)
  • All USG Goes Global faculty receive the same salary, which will be paid to them via their home institutions, but funded by USG Goes Global collected tuition.
  • USG Goes Global faculty are required to follow the policies and procedures of USG Goes Global as well as other applicable policies and procedures of the Board of Regents.
  • USG Goes Global faculty are selected at the discretion of their applicable program directors, and they are subject to removal at the will of that program director with the approval of the USG Goes Global administrative office.


Do I have to teach? Yes, all Program Directors will be expected to teach. But in order to alleviate your time to attend to Program Director related duties, Program Directors will only be required to teach 1 course, instead of 2.

How much salary can I expect? The financial model assumes that all Program Directors and Teaching Faculty receive the same stipend. In effect, Program Directors receive a ‘course buy-out’ in that Program Directors teach 1 course (instead of 2) but receive the same salary.

What is the student-to-faculty ratio? 12:1

Can I continue to use my existing in-country contacts, or will I be required to use Study Abroad Providers? The USG Goes Global program will be asking for Program Director feedback when building the Request for Proposal process to look for on-the-ground and in-country Study Abroad Providers. If your existing in-country contacts can offer the best and cheapest option in providing a set deliverable, then we may choose to continue using these contacts.

How will I market my programs and recruit students? As in the past, Program Directors will have access to a marketing budget collected from students via the Program Charge.

What is the recruitment target for each course and program? Rather than focus on recruitment targets for each course, Program Directors should consider the 12:1 ratio for their program and focus on the overall recruitment goal for all programs. For example, the overall recruitment goal for the USG Goes Global study abroad trips is at least 315 students.


How many courses am I expected to teach? Each teaching faculty will be expected to teach 2 courses. In an effort to increase the desirability of the programs, we will ask faculty to teach at least 1 core course so that students may increasingly satisfy their home institution’s degree requirements.

If I am accepted to teach on the program, is it guaranteed that I will go? Due to the 12:1 student-to-faculty ratio, not all accepted teaching faculty will be guaranteed to go as this depends on if we recruit enough students. For example, if only 14 students are recruited to go on one trip, this trip can only bring 1 teaching faculty unless more students are recruited. However, the financial model appreciates overall program enrollment and functions more like a true consortium. For example, if one study abroad program has ‘overrecruited’ students, then ‘underrecruited’ study abroad programs may still run as the model allows for this macro view of the finances.

What are the expectations around my participation? While the teaching faculty’s main expectation is to teach 2 courses, study abroad programs rely on all chaperoning faculty and staff to pitch in and share administrative and organizational duties:

  • Teach assigned courses and lead assigned course-related field excursions
  • Share some of the administrative and organizational duties as assigned by the program director
  • Be an active recruiter commencing at your notification of acceptance and continuing until the application cutoff date

How much salary can I expect? The financial model assumes that all Teaching Faculty receive the same stipend for teaching two courses.