USG Faculty and Staff Portal

The USG Faculty and Staff Portal page provides employees with a wide variety information and resources, in a single location. Important announcements and employee related action items are also posted on this site as well.
One of the most significant resources on the portal page is the access link to the OneUSGConnect system. This system enables employees to view, manage and update a wide variety of information such as updating personal information, enter time, request absences, enroll in and manage benefits elections, and view other HR and payroll information. If you are a hiring manager, the OneUSG Connect system will also provide you access to view information on your team and initiate certain actions associated with recruiting, employee status changes, approving time and absence, and more.
You will receive your login information to OneUSG Connect on your first day.
Visit the USG Faculty and Staff Portal to become familiar with the wide array of information and resources available on the site.