Employee Benefits

The USG offers its employees a well-balanced benefit program designed to provide protection against today’s financial hazards due to sickness or injury, as well as the opportunity to accumulate assets toward achieving tomorrow’s financial security.
While the costs of providing benefits are ever increasing, the University System of Georgia ensures that a competitive, cost-efficient benefit program is available to its employees.
As a new hire, all benefits-eligible employees will have the option of choosing their benefits within 30 days from your start date. You can learn more about your benefit options by reviewing the USG Comparison Guide. For more detailed information, please also visit our Benefits home page.
Each year you will also be given the opportunity to make authorized changes to your benefit choices during the Open Enrollment period (generally in the fall of each year). Additionally, employees experiencing a qualifying life event (such as marriage, divorce, birth/adoption of a child, loss or gain of other coverage through a spouse) may be able to request certain coverage changes as well. The OneUSG Connect Benefits Call Center can assist with any questions. They can be reached toll-free at 1-844-5-USGBEN (1-844-587-4236).