
Administrative and Fiscal Affairs Division

Accounts Payable




CY2024 1099 Withholding Updates Presentation
This PowerPoint shows 1099 Withholding Changes that take effect as of calendar year 2024.

CY2024 1099 Withholding Changes Information Session 12.12.24
This video shows 1099 Withholding Changes that take effect as of calendar year 2024.

Accounts Payable Payment Request Demo
 Payment Request provides a self-service option for users to submit non-Purchase Order invoices to Accounts Payable for the payment of approved Suppliers. 

GeorgiaFIRST Presentation: Matching – The Relationship Between Purchasing & Accounts Payable - PowerPoint Only
The purpose of this training is to demonstrate the role that Matching plays between Purchasing and Accounts Payable departments. This link provides the session PowerPoint slides only.

GeorgiaFIRST Presentation: Matching – The Relationship Between Purchasing & Accounts Payable - Recording
The purpose of this training is to demonstrate the role that Matching plays between Purchasing and Accounts Payable departments. This link provides the session recording in its entirety.

Using Voucher Build for Marketplace e-Invoices 10:48
This video shows institutions that send electronic invoices or e-Invoices how to use the Voucher build function to build vouchers.

How to Use Accounts Payable Queries
This PowerPoint presentation shows the relationship between AP pages and tables and explains the six queries every AP user should know.


Accounts Payable Administration

AP.010.010 Adding and Updating AP User Preferences
AP.010.080 Creating a Business Calendar

Workflow and Approver Maintenance
AP.080.033 Modifying Payment Request Workflow
AP.080.023 Modifying Voucher Workflow
AP.080.040 Updating Department Manager ID
AP.080.041 Adding or Updating Additional Department Approver
AP.080.042 Updating Project Manager ID
AP.080.043 Adding or Updating Additional Project Approver

Accounts Payable – Payment Requests and Vouchers

Payment Requests
AP.060.010 Creating a Payment Request
AP.060.020 Approving Payment Requests

Entering Vouchers
AP.020.010 Entering a Regular Voucher
AP.020.011 Entering a Regular Voucher from a PO
AP.020.012 Entering a Regular Voucher from a Receipt
AP.020.020 Entering a Regular Voucher for an Asset (without a PO)
AP.020.021 Entering a Regular Voucher for an Asset
AP.020.022 Entering a Regular Voucher for an Asset with a Trade-In
AP.020.030 Entering a Regular Voucher for Travel Prepayments
AP.020.031 Entering a Regular Voucher for Travel (non-employee)

Special Vouchers
AP.020.040 Entering 1099 Withholding Vouchers
AP.020.050 Entering Adjustment Vouchers
AP.020.051 Entering Credit Adjustment Vouchers
AP.020.060 Entering Quick Invoices
AP.020.070 Entering Single Payment Vouchers
AP.020.080 Entering Template Vouchers
AP.020.140 Uploading Vouchers from MS Excel 

Updating Vouchers
AP.020.100 Deleting Vouchers
AP.020.110 Closing a Voucher (v8.9 – v9.2)
AP.020.111 Closing an Upgraded Voucher (v7.5)
AP.020.115 Unposting Vouchers
AP.020.120 Finalizing Vouchers
AP.020.130 On-Demand Business Processing
AP.020.150 Clearing Travel Prepayments (non-employee)
AP.020.200 Creating and Using Control Groups
AP.020.210 Deleting Control Groups

AP Approver Actions
AP.080.020 Approving Vouchers
AP.080.021 Denying Vouchers
AP.080.022 Reassigning Approvers
AP.080.030 Approving Payment Requests
AP.080.031 Denying Payment Requests
AP.080.032 Reassigning Payment Requests

Processing Vouchers
AP.030.010 Running Matching
AP.030.020 Budget Checking Payables
AP.030.030 Posting Vouchers
AP.030.060 Running Voucher Build
AP.030.070 Running Document Tolerance
AP.030.080 Running Batch Voucher Approval
AP.050.010 Using the Match Workbench
AP.050.020 Viewing and Correcting Document Tolerance
AP.050.030 Viewing and Correcting Voucher Build Errors
AP.070.030 Running the APY1020 Posted Voucher Listing Report

Accounts Payable - Interfaces

Banner Interfaces
AP.040.020 Processing Banner to AP Transactions

Accounts Payable - Payments

Pay Cycles
AP.020.500 Payment Selection Criteria
AP.020.501 Running Check Pay Cycles
AP.020.502 Running EFT or ACH Pay Cycles
AP.020.503 Locating Pay Cycle Files in Report Manager
AP.020.505 Reviewing Payments Selected and Exceptions & Alerts
AP.020.506 Pay Cycle Approval
AP.020.510 Restarting a Pay Cycle (re-create buttons)

Maintaining Payments
AP.020.520 Creating Express Checks
AP.020.530 Recording Manual Payments
AP.020.540 Voiding/Canceling a Payment
AP.020.550 Processing Escheated Payments
AP.030.050 Posting Payments
AP.040.030 Generating Positive Payment File


AP.090.010 Reviewing Voucher Information
AP.090.020 Reviewing Posted Accounting Entries
AP.090.030 Reviewing Journal Detail for a GL Journal
AP.090.050 Reviewing Voucher Document Status
AP.090.060 Performing Payment Inquiries
AP.090.070 Reviewing Vendor Aging
AP.090.080 Reviewing Scheduled Payments on Hold
AP.090.090 Reviewing Scheduled Payments Information
AP.090.100 Reviewing Current Vendor Balances