USGFC Meeting on February 25 2012
Savannah State University
Before the Meeting
At the Meeting
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m., with a quorum reached
Approval of the published agenda was moved and seconded; approved by voice vote
It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of Nov. 5, 2011
Vote: all ayes
Welcome from the Chair:
Chair Tim Brown expressed his thanks to the meeting’s host, Savannah State University and Bill Dowling. He asked all present to introduce themselves.
The University System of Georgia now hosts the USGFC website. A transfer of content has been done but the site is not yet complete. Tim Brown volunteered to maintain the site content. He will pursue a blog or news feed to help maintain awareness of events for the membership.
Academic Affairs Report:
Dr. Linda Noble, vice chancellor for academic affairs, university system of Georgia, noted:
* Chief Academic Officer Search update – the search is complete; a hire will be announced soon.
* Complete College Georgia initiative – A state-wide plan jointly developed by the USG and TCSG was submitted to the Governor in December 2011. The next step is to develop individual campus plans. Feb. 28 the governor will host all USG and TCSG presidents for a launch of the program. March 19-20 will be a completion summit, at which a team of up to five from each campus will be hosted for training and to start writing their campus plan. The plans are due to the system office by July 1.
* Dr. Noble discussed the effects of the move away from the Regents’ test, college affordability, and the consolidations currently underway. She suggested the board plan to meet with the new chief academic officer and the chancellor in the fall.
Breakout Topics
After a review of the topics, members volunteered to work on all except the USGFC Bylaws. A new topic of 12-month contracts was suggested by Bill Dowling. Clara Krug suggested a topic of “D,” “F,” “W,” rates inclusion in annual evaluations.
12-month payment schedule resolution
Moved by Bill Dowling and as amended by the council: A. Allow 10-month-contract faculty and staff the option to be paid over a 12-month period and/or
B. or be paid semimonthly
Dr. Dowling noted that the change would be a convenience for faculty who are less able to budget well. It was noted that the human resource directors group says they cannot pay in August (new fiscal year) for work ending in June or July (previous fiscal year.) Dr. Dowling noted funds could be encumbered.
The question was called.
Vote: the motion passed as amended.
*** After meeting in breakout groups, the council proposed the following resolutions.
Health Insurance Resolution, including council amendments
Whereas the USG faculty as a whole has concerns about health care coverage issues including, but not limited to: In network provider participation LabCorp mandate Medicare supplementation The USG Faculty Council recommends that the Board of Regents revisit our plan in light of these concerns. Vote: The resolution passed unanimously as amended.
Funding Resolution
To recognize the importance of faculty governance to the University System of Georgia, the University System of Georgia Faculty Council recommends that the Board of Regents provide funding for costs associated with the semi-annual council meetings. Vote: Resolution passed without discussion or dissent.
Domestic Partners, as amended
In the interest of equity and in order to attract and retain all of the best qualified faculty and staff, the USGFC recommends that university system benefits be extended to domestic partners. Vote: the resolution as amended passed without dissent.
Consolidation Resolution, as amended
Faculty are a critical component of the University System of Georgia. Faculty should have been involved in and must be included in decision making affecting programs, staffing, accreditation, and other academic matters. In November, 2011, the USGFC resolved: The USG Faculty Council recommends to the Chancellor and the USG Chief Academic Officer that representatives of faculty and academic affairs of those institutions most likely to be considered for consolidation be included in discussions and deliberations involving consolidation. The USG Faculty Council is hopeful that the missions of those institutions that are considered for consolidation be included during consolidation discussion. Since November we have had neither an acknowledgement that our communication was received nor any comment from the chancellor regarding our proposal. It is the USGFC position that consolidations were proposed and are proceeding without sufficient faculty involvement. The USGFC looks forward to meeting with you to address these concerns. Vote: Passed with one vote against.
Retirement Plan Resolution
We propose that the USGFC reach out to Dr. Hugh Hudson, Executive Secretary of the Georgia State Conference of AAUP, and Mr. Stephen Anthony to obtain advice on effective strategies that can lead to change in the current TRS/ORP decision structure, which may lead to providing an opportunity for USG faculty, after 10 years of service, to switch from one system to the other. Vote: approved by unanimous vote.
Next meeting:
It was recommended and agreed upon that the first fall meeting be held by Wimba or another distance meeting platform to allow new members to become familiar with the topics from this year. Date and time will be determined. The next meeting in person will be the October meeting, date and place to be determined, but preferably with the chancellor at or near the BOR offices. Dr. Brown noted that it’s not necessary to be actively serving on a campus senate or equivalent to chair the USGFC. Members may have rotated off their campus governance group and still be nominated for the chair position of the USGFC. The only criterion is that the nominee has been a USGFC member for at least one year.