Appendix 6 A
Preliminary Design Requirements
The building construction type shall be Type I or Type II as defined in chapter 6 of the Standard Building Code (SBC) unless otherwise authorized by the BOR Facilities Office.
Design Criteria
Design criteria shall include any criteria offered by the campus and the latest editions of the Board of Regents "Preplanning Guidelines" and the following (contact the BOR Facilities Office for copies):
- Telecommunications Design Criteria.
- Finish Hardware Design Criteria.
- Mechanical Design Criteria I.
- Mechanical Design Criteria II.
- Laboratory Furniture and Fume Hoods Design Criteria.
- Roofing Systems Design Criteria.
- Georgia State Energy Code Design Criteria.
- Design Guidelines for Data Cable Systems.
- Finish Hardware Design Criteria.
Preliminary Design Specifications: Provide an outline specification utilizing Divisions 0 through 16. Within each Division identify specification sections intended to be used. Within in each section provide a comprehensive description and narrative of the proposed requirements, materials and systems as they relate to this project.
Preliminary site plan must note the location of all structures in the immediate vicinity of the project and must show all walks, drives, storm drainage, lighting and other utility extensions required to fully develop the site and to tie into the surrounding conditions.
Site Considerations
Site utilities: On most projects, the utility extensions that serve the building may originate from, or include a portion of an existing underground utility distribution system which has been, or is in the process of being developed as part of the campus-wide development plan. It is the responsibility of the architect to coordinate with the campus regarding the matter of utility service to the project.
Slope all exterior walk and step surfaces to prevent standing water. Do not allow surface drainage to flow over walks, curbs or drives. Provide catch basins and drains as necessary to contain all surface drainage./p>
Provide guards posts or bollards to protect building structures and equipment adjacent to driveways or service traffic.
Structural Considerations
Do not design a structural system with spread footings supported on a controlled fill without specific written approval from the BOR Facilities Office. This does not apply to floor slabs on controlled fill.
Load bearing masonry walls supporting roof or floor loads are not an acceptable design for Board of Regents' projects. However, exceptions may be granted for small one-story utility buildings and buildings designed in accordance with the "Recommended Practice for Engineered Brick Masonry" and/or "Specifications for the Design and Construction of Load Bearing Concrete Masonry, NCMA." If granted, the masonry walls and slab systems are to be designed by a Georgia Registered Structural Engineer under his/her seal and adequate provision is included in the design for expansion and contraction of the masonry.
The Architect shall use due care to provide expansion provisions in accordance with recommendations of "Architectural Graphic Standards - (Ramsey & Sleeper) as applicable to the project.
Architectural Considerations
Exterior wall systems comprised of brick or precast concrete with metal stud backup shall not be used unless authorized by the BOR Facilities Office.
Roofing Systems:
- New buildings should be conceived utilizing a roof pitch appropriate for the size, type and location of the building. A pitch of 3:12 is desirable, but should not be less than 1:12. Wherever possible this should be accomplished by sloping the basic roof structure.
- Provide roof drains with conductors to grade for all canopies.
- Provide overflow protection for all roofs having internal drain systems.
- Provide traffic pads on roofing where subject to maintenance inspections.
- Do not use single-ply roofing systems without the approval of the Vice Chancellor for Facilities
- Masonry screen walls or similar devices authorized by the BOR Facilities Office should be provided for concealing exterior mechanical equipment from general view.
Provide screening for toilet rooms so no fixtures may be seen with the door open 90 degrees. Metal toilet partitions and screens shall not be used unless otherwise authorized by the BOR Facilities Office. Avoid the use of urinal screens in student toilets.
Provide for room numbers and space name signs to be installed near doors of all spaces. Signs shall comply with the accessibility requirements for the physically handicapped. Room numbering system on floor plans should be approved by the campuses so that these room numbers may be used throughout the life of the building.
Mechanical and Electrical Considerations:
- The Preliminary Design Submittal shall include the following information related to the Mechanical and Electrical systems:
- Type of service considered appropriate for each space or building area, e.g., air conditioning, indirect cooling, heating, humidity control, ventilation (supply, exhaust and natural convection).
- Method of conditioning each space or building area, e.g., all-air, air-water or electric, room fan coil unit, natural or forced convection heat, etc.
- Do not use roof-mounted mechanical equipment without specific approval from the Vice Chancellor for Facilities.
- Probable number and types of air handling apparatus (supply and exhaust) to be used and their approximate air volume capacities determined by use of rule-of-thumb factors.
- Routing of main air distribution ductwork, probable zoning and typical room air distribution schemes proposed. Include building sections indicating clear space allocated for horizontal distribution ductwork and piping (all services.)
- Narrative descriptions, schematic diagrams and routing plans of proposed water and steam distribution systems.
- Estimate approximate total cooling and heating energy, expressed in tons and MBH, required for the facility determined by use of rule-of-thumb factors applied to building floor area.
- Isolate mechanical rooms containing pumps, chillers, air handling units, or boilers from other areas of the building to the greatest extent possible. Walls, floors and ceilings between mechanical rooms and occupied spaces must have an STC Rating of 60 or better at all audible frequencies and be free of any vibration. The architect is encouraged to locate spaces such as storage, service and toilet rooms as a buffer between mechanical rooms and occupied spaces.
- List any requested exceptions to Design Criteria.
- List any items for which deferred submittals are requested and indicate stages of production when each item is to be submitted for review. In the event a deferred submittal is requested, and is approved in part or in whole, and the design exhibited in the late submittal proves to be unacceptable, changes shall be made at no additional design cost or delay in completion of the Construction Documents.
- Indicate arrangement of major equipment in mechanical rooms and central plants, using simple shapes to represent approximate sizes of single units or groups of units such as air handling units, chillers, boilers and heaters, large vessels, pumps (base mounted only) and electrical equipment. (The primary purpose of this requirement is to establish adequacy of space allocation).
- Indicate the air conditioning cooling tower or condenser on the plans and elevations, as well as all major fans and ventilators which will be visible on the completed project.
- Provide hose bibbs on exterior of building no more than 75 ft. apart around entire perimeter of building. Specify copper for all domestic water piping.
- If the project includes the removal of an abandoned gas line, require the contractor to evacuate the gas line with compressed air and then remove the gas line prior to commencing any other work on the project.
- Fire alarm systems shall be of the supervised type.
- Copper conductors are required.