Appendix 3 T Pre-Interview Site Visit Agenda - CM
- Welcome and Congratulate CMs for being selected to interview for the project.
- Introduce all participants at the meeting.
- Instruct that the purpose of the meeting is to review the project and the interview process:
- Provide general information about the project.
- Review the interview selection process.
- Conduct a tour of the site.
- Answer questions pertaining to the project and the interview process.
- All communication by the CMs related to the project and the campus shall be directed to the campus representative (usually the DPO or Dir. of Facilities & Planing), as identified in the letter of invitation.
- It is the responsibility of the campus representative to assure that all CMs are provided with the same information.
- Any questions pertaining to the interview process and the contract, including the SCL (construction cost) and A/E fees and expenses shall be directed to the BOR Program Manager.
Project Review
- A campus representative will provide a general overview of the project and possibly its relationship to the campus and the master plan. (Depending on the size of the campus and the significance of the project, this presentation is sometimes made by the President.)
- A campus representative (usually the DPO or Dir. of Facilities & Planing) will provide specific information about the site, utilities, mechanical systems and, if applicable, the existing building.
- BOR PM to briefly review Building Project Procedure Manual and contract form.
Interview Process
- Concentrate on how you will meet the requirements of this project.
- Clearly identify any special consultants and any M/WBE.
- Boards are acceptable to bring to the interview, but should be limited.
- Exhibit a clear understanding of the project, the campus and the Master Plan.
- Discuss project budget and schedule
General Information
- SCL amount.
- Date of anticipated award of CM contract (when funds are available.)
- Project schedule.
- CMs responsible to keep within budget and on schedule.
- This project will not be managed by GSFIC during the construction phase.