Appendix 2 A
Master Planning
The purpose of a physical master plan for the University System of Georgia's colleges and universities is to provide a comprehensive guideline for the physical development of campuses in order to support their academic missions. The physical master plan seeks to achieve two principal objectives: first, to foster the development of a physical plant that is efficient in operation and in serving the academic mission; and second, to foster the creation of a physical environment that is beautiful, emblematic of its educational purpose and that fosters the social and intellectual interchange among students, faculty, and staff. Since each of the campuses is an established institution, and has a distinct history, physical and community setting, the physical master plan will be reflective of the existing campus with appropriate renovations and extensions that respond to its academic mission.
The Georgia Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia has developed a program for preparing and adopting physical master plans at the System's thirty-four campuses. The product of this effort, a Physical Master Planning Template, is designed to assist the colleges and universities in preparing physical master plans which support their educational missions. The Template has a dual purpose: to aid individual institutions in preparing physical master plans to augment their academic missions and strategic plans, and to guide the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia in allocating funds for future physical improvements. The Physical Master Planning Template is a guideline which defines the content, methodology, information sources and level of detail which is anticipated for the physical master plans at each institution.
The Physical Master Planning Template is available at:
The Template requires that final physical master plan materials for all University System of Georgia Institutions be posted in their entirety to the Board of Regents official repository. A comprehensive subset of this final physical master plan will be posted by the Design Professional to the individual college or university web site or to the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia web site if an individual college or university web site does not exist.