Setting-up a Basic Computer Workstation
There is no single “correct” posture or workstation arrangement that will fit everyone. No two bodies are identical so no one set up is the best for everyone. However, there are basic design guidelines you can use to set up your workstation in a way that best fits your stature and provides you with the most comfort.
As you go through the following slides, consider your workstation and see if you can identify areas for improvement in posture, component placement, or work environment adjustment.
Ideally you should take this opportunity to adjust your workstation as you go through the training.
The correct setup might not feel right immediately and changing ingrained habits may take an effort. However, to give corrective measures the best possible chance, allow a new setup some time to see how it will work before you discard any one idea. Of course, if the adjustments or new equipment cause you pain, you should reconsider your arrangement immediately.