Campus Consolidations

University System of Georgia

University of North Georgia

Institution Mission Statement

The University of North Georgia, a regional, multi-campus institution and the state’s premier senior military college, provides a culture of academic excellence in a student-focused environment that includes quality education, service, inquiry and creativity. This is accomplished through broad access to comprehensive academic and co-curricular programs that develop students into leaders for a diverse and global society. [Consolidated Institution] is a University System of Georgia leadership institution and is the Military College of Georgia.

Profiles - Consolidated Institutions

Gainesville State College

  • Established 1964
  • Fall 2011 Enrollment: 8,569
  • 69.1% enrollment from Hall, Gwinnett, and Forsyth
  • First-Year Retention: 61.4%
  • Three-Year Graduation: 11.7%
  • FY11 Degrees Conferred: 882
  • Total FY12 Budget: $56.5M

North Georgia College & State University

  • Established 1873
  • Fall 2011 Enrollment: 6,067
  • 35.9% enrollment from Forsyth, Hall, and Gwinnett
  • First-Year Retention: 79.9%
  • Six-Year Graduation: 49.2%
  • FY11 Degrees Conferred: 1,203
  • Total FY12 Budget: $65M

Opportunities & Challenges


  • Creates an institution of nearly 15,000 students that provides a strategic approach to meeting the higher education needs of students in the northeast Georgia region.
  • Provides a broad spectrum of academic programs from associate to graduate degrees in a student-friendly, seamless system. Students from both institutions already share a similar geographic origin and transfer between both institutions.
  • Increases access to educational attainment and enrollment opportunities in significant growth and population area of the state.
  • Efficiently expands baccalaureate and graduate offerings in Gainesville while allowing for increased enrollment, e.g., teacher education, foreign languages.
  • Capacity for on-campus growth is limited at North Georgia. The consolidation provides additional capacity in Gainesville.
  • Builds on a strong foundation of collaboration and partnership that already exists as reflected in North Georgia’s and Gainesville’s program offerings in Cumming and Gainesville.
  • Increases opportunities to hire for specialized needs. Through economies of scale, there is the capacity for needed higher education enterprise professionals with appropriate expertise and experience levels.
  • Combines resources to enhance responsiveness to regional economic and community development needs.


  • The institutions currently serve student populations with differing levels of college readiness. Balancing access and college completion will be a challenge to address during implementation.
  • Watkinsville campus will be maintained; however, implementation will need to consider how to best optimize the role of that campus.

Consolidation Working Group for University of North Georgia

Dr. Bonita Jacobs, President, NGCSU (Working Group Chair)
Dr. Martha Nesbitt, President, GSC
Dr. Al Panu, VP for Academic Affairs, GSC
Dr. Alicia Caudill, Associate VP of Student Affairs, GSC
Ms. Mary Transue, VP for Institutional Advancement, GSC
Ms. Wanda Aldridge, Interim VP for Business & Finance, GSC
Col. Billy Wells, Military Programs VP, Exec Affairs, NGCSU
Mr. Mac McConnell, VP Business & Finance, NGCSU
Mr. Chris Stenander, Chair, GSC Alumni Council
Mr. Bob Babich, NGCSU Alumni Association president
Mr. Doug Parks, Dahlonega community member
Dr. Chaudron Gille, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Professor of French, GSC
Dr. Ric Kabat, Professor of History, GSC
Dr. Bob Michael, Deans’ Council School of Education, NGCSU
Dr. Dianna Spence, Math Department, NGCSU
Dr. Jeffrey Marker, Associate Professor of Film & English, Chair of Faculty Senate, GSC
Dr. Michael Proulx, Faculty Senate NGCSU History & Philosophy
Mr. Rich White Chair, GSC Foundation and alumnus
Mrs. Mary Helen McGruder, NGCSU Foundation
Dr. Susan Daniell, Coordinator of Institutional Reporting and Banner Functional Leader, GSC
Ms. Darcy Hayes, Student Affairs, NGCSU
Dr. Kristen Roney, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs & Enrichment, GSC
Mr. Dylan Brooks, Student Government Association president, GSC
Cadet David J. Bonham, Corps of Cadets, NGCSU
Mr. Patrick Pickens, Student Government Association president, NGCSU
Dr. Sherman R. Day, University Center | GA 400, NGCSU