Campus Consolidations

University System of Georgia

South Georgia State College

Institution Mission Statement

South Georgia State College, a state college of the University System of Georgia, is a multi-campus, student centered institution offering high-quality associate and select baccalaureate degree programs. The institution provides innovative teaching and learning experiences, a rich array of student activities and athletic programs, access to unique ecological sites, and residential options to create a diverse, globally-focused, and supportive learning environment.

Profiles - Consolidated Institutions

Waycross College

  • Established 1970
  • Fall 2011 Enrollment: 964
  • 42.6% from Ware County
  • First-Year Retention: 53.9%
  • Three-Year Graduation: 20%
  • FY11 Degrees Conferred: 105
  • Total FY12 Budget: $8.6M

South Georgia College

  • Established 1906
  • Fall 2011 Enrollment: 2,270
  • 26.3% from Coffee County
  • First-Year Retention: 47.9%
  • Three-Year Graduation: 12.2%
  • FY11 Degrees Conferred: 251
  • Total FY12 Budget: $20.3M

Opportunities & Challenges


  • Creates an institution of over 3,000 students by combining the two smallest USG institutions, enabling economies of scale while maintaining college access for south Georgia students.
  • Aligns two institutions with very similar missions and program offerings in the region.
  • Increases opportunities to hire for key needs. Through economies of scale, there is the capacity for needed higher education enterprise professionals with appropriate expertise and experience levels.
  • Builds on existing collaboration between the two institutions.
  • Combines resources to enhance responsiveness to regional economic and community development needs.
  • SGC is already the 2nd most popular transfer destination for Waycross – being part of same institution streamlines this process for students. Availability of SGC residential facilities will further support future student needs.


  • Blending of institutional cultures.

Consolidation Working Group for South Georgia State College

Dr. Virginia Carson, President, SGC (Working Group Chair)
Dr. Mary Ellen Wilson, President, Waycross College
Dr. Carl McDonald, Vice President for Academic Affairs, SGC
Ms. Danielle Buehrer, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, SGC
Ms. Walda Kight, Director of Community and Foundation Relations, SGC
Mr. Wes Brown, Vice President for Student Success, SGC
Mr. Mark Latham, Chief Business Officer, WC
Ms.Sara Selby, Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs, WC
Mr. Adam Smith, Vice President of Commercial Lending, Douglas community member
Mr. Pete Pyrzenski, former Waycross City Manager
Dr. Frank Holiwski, Assistant Professor of Psychology and President of the Faculty Assembly, SGC
Dr. Anthony Hendrix, Professor of Psychology, WC
Ms. Janice Williams, Librarian, WC
Ms. Shelly McLean, SGC Foundation President
Dr. Dan Booker, Waycross College Foundation President
Ms. Linda Mullis, Admin Asst for the Division of Nursing, SGC
Mr. Keith Newell, Director of Human Resources, SGC
Ms. Debbie Howard, Director of Financial Aid, WC
Mr. David Rowland, Network Support Specialist, WC
Mr. David Medders, student, SGC
Ms. Grace Jeffords, President, Waycross College SGA