Campus Consolidations

University System of Georgia

Middle Georgia State College

Institution Mission Statement

The mission of Middle Georgia State College is to serve the educational needs of a diverse population through high quality programs connected to community needs in a global context and to serve as a leader for the intellectual, economic, and cultural life of the region.

Profiles - Consolidated Institutions

Macon State College

  • Established 1965
  • Fall 2011 Enrollment: 5,702
  • 60% enrollment from Houston and Bibb
  • First-Year Retention: 53.2%
  • Three-Year Graduation: 3.2%
  • FY11 Degrees Conferred: 846
  • Includes Warner Robins campus
  • Total FY12 Budget: $56M

Middle Georgia College

  • Established 1884
  • Fall 2011 Enrollment: 3,424
  • 38.2% enrollment from Laurens, Dodge, and Bleckley
  • First-Year Retention: 53.1%
  • Three-Year Graduation: 9.5%
  • FY11 Degrees Conferred: 502
  • Includes Dublin Center and Eastman campus
  • Total FY12 Budget: $35.8M

Opportunities & Challenges


  • Creates an institution of nearly 10,000 students with five campuses that provides a strategic, comprehensive approach to meeting the higher education needs of middle Georgia students.
  • Creates opportunity for a seamless pipeline for student transfer. Macon currently is the second most popular transfer destination for Middle Georgia students.
  • Provides greater access to workforce-oriented baccalaureate degrees to meet regional needs, e.g., health informatics, nursing.
  • Aligns Middle Georgia’s aviation mission with Macon State’s strong military partnership, to meet the region’s economic development needs.
  • Recognizes and meets the need for a coordinated approach to public higher education in Macon and the middle Georgia region.
  • Increases opportunities to hire for specialized needs. Through economies of scale, there is the capacity for needed higher education enterprise professionals with appropriate expertise and experience levels.


  • Effectively balancing existing baccalaureate programs.
  • Achieving efficiencies from five de-centralized locations will present operational challenges.

Consolidation Working Group for Middle Georgia State College

Dr. Jeff Albritten, President, MSC (Working Group Chair)
Dr. Mike Stoy, President, MGC
Dr. Martha Venn, Provost and VP of Academic Affairs, MSC
Ms. Lynn Hobbs, VP for Fiscal Affairs, MGC
Dr. Kevin Cantwell, Professor of English & Chair of the Faculty Senate, MSC
Mr. Michael Parkerson, President of the MGC Alumni Association
Mr. Max Wyche, Director of Personnel - Robins AFB
Mr. Mike Ford, President and CEO-New Town Macon, Inc.
Mr. David Carpenter, Former Houston County School Superintendent
Ms. Wanda Barrs, Cochran community leader and State School Board
Ms. Judy Hemphill Madden, President of Eastman/Dodge County Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Phil Best, Mayor of Dublin
Dr. Nancy Bunker, Assoc Professor of English & Chair of the Faculty Executive Committee, MSC
Mr. Stan Ketchel, Asst Prof of Logistics, MGC
Mr. David Lanier, Regional President of BB&T Bank
Mr. Charles Parker, President of the MGC Board of Trustees
Ms. Carey Wimberly, Admin Asst - Office of the President, MSC
Ms. Rosetta Hudson, Financial Aid Assistant, MGC
Ms. Summer Leverett, SGA President, MSC
Mr. Mario Watson, SGA leader, MGC