Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College - Bainbridge State College
Profiles - Consolidated Institutions
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
- Established 1906
- Fall 2016 Enrollment: 3,475
- First-Year Retention: 64%
- FY 17 Original Budget: $47,739,928
Bainbridge State College
- Established 1970
- Fall 2016 Enrollment: 2,468
- First-Year Retention: 63.5%
- FY 17 Original Budget: $27,895,648
Opportunities & Challenges
- Strategically align degree offerings with workforce and regional needs
- Create an instructional site in Bainbridge that serves the needs of the community and region with a select range of degrees currently offered at ABAC
- Maintain teaching of core at Bainbridge site
- Continue access for students to TCSG certificate & diploma programs at Bainbridge site
- Reinvest savings from administrative efficiencies in programs to support student success & fiscal stability
- Bainbridge site would benefit from stable and strong ABAC administration
- Improve Bainbridge graduation rates through leveraging ABAC’s programs and services
- Minimal duplication of academic programs creates additional pathways for students
- Establish a simpler path for associate-degree students to achieve bachelor’s degrees
- Blending of institutional missions and cultures
- Steep enrollment declines over last five years at Bainbridge State
- Need to review and revise program offerings at Bainbridge State due to low program production and region’s changing economic needs
- Ensure continued strong community support in Bainbridge
- About 90-minute drive between campuses