USO Employee Giving Campaign

University System of Georgia

USO Employee Giving Campaign

The Foundation is starting a standalone Employee Giving Campaign (EGC) to foster a sense of community inside the USG and related division employees consisting of the USO, Georgia Archives, GPLS, ITS, and SSC.
All proceeds from the EGC will go towards the USG Employee Sponsored Need-Based Scholarship to be awarded annually to a deserving USG student. There are three ways to donate:
1. By Payroll Deduction:
  • Log in to ONEUSG Connect
  • Select the Payroll icon then Voluntary Deductions.
  • Type of Deduction: 98USGF
  • Select % or $
  • Enter Amount or $
  • Enter Total Deduction $
  • Deduction Start Date - 1/1/2025
  • Deduction End Date - 12/31/2025
2. To Give Online: please click HERE
3. To Give by Check: payable to the USG Foundation and dropped off at TW-7005A.

Thank you so much for your generosity.