Beginning in 2011, the University System of Georgia launched a largely unprecedented initiative to consolidate eight existing USG schools into four new institutions of higher education. Using six principles for consolidation defined by the Board of Regents, and identifying stewardship and student success as the initiative’s primary strategic goals, these schools were merged, and began operating as new institutions beginning in January 2013. Beth Brigdon, Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness, served in a leadership capacity as part of the transition team during the consolidation of Augusta State University and Georgia Health Sciences University into the newly established Georgia Regents University. This presentation will cover the strategies she and her team deployed in an effort to control for this period of drastic change, and how they were able to mitigate evolving risks and ensure this project achieved its stated objectives.
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Knowledge Level: Intermediate
Field of Study: Business Management & Organization
Prerequisites: Professional Experience
Advance Preparation: None