Academic & Student Affairs Handbook

Academics Affairs Division

2.5.2 Withdrawal for Military Service:  Refunds and Grades

2.5.2 Withdrawal for Military Service:  Refunds and Grades

(Last Modified July 31, 2024)   Report a broken link

Last reviewed: January 2010


The following administrative guidelines are established for implementation of this action:

  • Students must officially withdraw and present official orders to qualify for refunds of tuition and fees.
  • Elective fees are prorated according to the date that the student officially withdraws.
  • A student who withdraws and receives a full tuition refund will receive a grade of “WM,” military withdrawal, for all courses. A grade of WM entails no penalties that would ordinarily apply for federal or state aid. For example, the student does not have to pay back money already spent for books and fees, and a WM does not count against attempted hours for HOPE.
  • Requests for exceptional relief are made directly to the president of the institution. The president will make a determination on each request expeditiously.

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