The Board of Regents shall elect the presidents of University System of Georgia (USG) institutions for a term of one year, which will be extended until the Board acts either to reappoint the President for the remainder of a one-year term or chooses not to reappoint the President, as contemplated in Board Policy. All appointments will be made expressly subject to Board of Regents’ policies and the Chancellor shall notify the presidents of the Board’s decision. USG presidents shall not be entitled to a written employment contract.
Presidents shall not hold tenure at the institution but may hold, retain, or receive academic rank. Persons holding tenure in the USG who receive an initial presidential appointment shall be required to relinquish their tenure before assuming the position of President. No person shall be awarded tenure while serving as President.
When a vacancy occurs in a presidency at a University System of Georgia institution, the Chancellor shall consult with the Chair of the Board of Regents to determine whether to conduct a national search. If a search is conducted, the Chancellor, in consultation with the Chair of the Board of Regents, may appoint an institutional search committee.
The institutional search committee shall be composed of representatives of the Board of Regents, the Chancellor and/or Chancellor’s designee, faculty, alumni, foundation, students, and the community.
Additionally, the Chair of the Board of Regents shall serve on the institutional search committee and name other Regents to the institutional search committee. The Chair of the Board of Regents shall name a Regent, from those appointed, to serve as chair of the institutional search committee.
The institutional search committee shall submit three to five unranked names to the Board of Regents for consideration. Authority to name one or more finalists for President rests exclusively with the Board of Regents.
Evaluation of University System of Georgia institution presidents shall be an ongoing process, which consists of open communication between the Chancellor and the President on individual and institutional goals and objectives and methods and processes used to achieve them. Evaluations will be factored into the annual appointment renewal for each President.
2.5.1 Resignation or Retirement
A President of a University System of Georgia (USG) institution shall provide the Board of Regents and the Chancellor not less than three months’ notice of his or her intention to resign or retire, unless such notice is waived by the Chancellor.
2.5.2 Re-Appointment Declined
If the Board of Regents declines to reappoint a President, it shall notify the President, through the Chancellor, of such decision immediately following the Board’s action to not reappoint the President. A decision by the Board not to reappoint a President is not subject to appeal
2.5.3 Removal for Cause
The Board of Regents may remove a President for cause at any time. A President removed for cause shall be entitled, upon written request within ten days of receiving notice of the removal, to a statement of charges against him or her, which shall be provided to the President within ten days of the President’s request. After reviewing the statement of charges, a President shall be entitled to a hearing before the Board or a committee thereof under such procedures as the Board may determine. The actions of the Board shall be final.
2.5.4 Educational Leave and Continued Employment
Any person vacating a USG presidency that he/ or she has held for not less than five years may, at the discretion of the Chancellor, be:
- Granted 12 months educational leave with pay. Such educational leave may be extended by the Chancellor for an additional 12 months, but in no event shall the educational leave exceed 24 months. Any paid educational leave granted under this policy shall terminate immediately upon acceptance by the leave recipient of full-time employment during the period of leave.
- Employed in a professional or administrative position within the USG. Employment beyond the second year, if any, shall be under such terms and conditions as determined by the Chancellor or the employing institution.
- Awarded an academic appointment at the rank of professor at a USG institution. Such appointment may, consistent with accreditation requirements and the needs of the institution, include an award of tenure by the Chancellor. Compensation and other terms of employment beyond the second year of appointment shall be as determined by the institution.
Except as otherwise provided in this section, the terms and conditions of such employment in items 2 and 3 above shall comply with Board of Regents’ Policy.
The compensation during any period of leave, employment, or appointment granted under this policy shall be as determined by the Chancellor taking into consideration the base salary and other compensation of the outgoing President prior to his or her vacating the presidency.
Nothing in this section shall prohibit any cooperative organization of the USG from supplementing the compensation of a former President during any period of leave, employment, or appointment granted under this section subject to approval of said compensation by the Chancellor.
Nothing contained in this section shall govern any terms or conditions of educational leave or employment beyond two years from the date a person leaves the presidency of a USG institution.
Presidents are authorized to develop the organizational structure required to effectively manage their institution. Changes involving the addition, deletion, or substantive name change of a unit reporting directly to the President shall be submitted to the Chancellor for review and approval prior to the change.
At the beginning of each fiscal year, each President shall submit to the Chancellor a list of all academic institutes and centers that are authorized to operate on each campus highlighting those which have been added or deleted since the prior year’s submission. The addition or elimination of academic centers and institutes located at an institution does not require the Chancellor’s or Regents’ approval.
The Board of Regents shall annually approve the salaries, taxable income, and associated fringe benefits paid to presidents of USG institutions. Any funds paid to a President shall be outlined in the annual compensation letter issued to the President and shall be paid exclusively by the President’s institution from state appropriations and other appropriate funds held by the institution
Each University System of Georgia (USG) institution shall have a strategic planning process that maintains a current strategic plan in which institutional priorities are defined and through which the institution’s mission is carried out in accordance with the strategic directions and guiding principles established by the Board of Regents. The faculty and staff of each institution shall be involved in developing the planning process and shall be included in the structure by which the plan is implemented.
In addition, each institution shall have a formal process by which systematic assessment of institutional effectiveness is conducted and the results of assessments are used to achieve institutional improvement. Assessment processes may differ from institution to institution, but each institution shall assess:
- Basic academic skills at entry;
- General education;
- Degree programs; and,
- Academic and administrative support programs and/or functions.
The faculty and staff of each institution shall be involved in developing assessment processes and included in the structure by which those processes are implemented and used for improvement.
Each institution shall link its substantive budget allocations and other major academic and administrative decisions to its planning and assessment processes to improve institutional effectiveness. In addition, institutional planning, assessment, and improvement processes are expected to contribute to the realization of the USG vision, mission, goals, and strategic initiatives.
A current copy of each institution’s strategic plan shall be maintained in the University System Office. The plan will contain a description of the planning structure and process by which institutional priorities are set as well as the institution’s current priorities and goals. The plan shall also describe the processes used for assessing and improving institutional effectiveness.
When directed by the Chancellor, the presidents of the University System of Georgia (USG) institutions shall convene in order to make recommendations to the Chancellor and through the Chancellor to the Board of Regents regarding all educational and administrative matters of concern to the USG as a whole.
The title of President Emeritus or President Emerita may be conferred only by the Board of Regents on the recommendation of the Chancellor. A President of a University System of Georgia (USG) institution may, at his or her discretion, confer the title of emeritus or emerita on any retired faculty member or administrative officer who, at the time of retirement, had ten or more years of honorable and distinguished USG service.
2.6.1 Executive Head of Institution
The President of each University System of Georgia (USG) institution shall be the executive head of the institution and all its departments and shall exercise supervision and direction to promote the efficient operation of the institution. The President is responsible to the Chancellor for the operation and management of the institution and for the execution of all directives of the Board of Regents and the Chancellor.
2.6.2 Ex-Officio Faculty Chair
The President shall be the ex-officio chair of the faculty and a member of all faculties and other academic bodies within the institution. The President may preside at faculty meetings. The President may call meetings of any council, senate, assembly, committee, or governance body at his or her institution at any time, may chair the governance body, and may preside at the meetings. The President shall decide all questions of jurisdiction, not otherwise defined by the Chancellor, of the several councils, faculties, and officers.
The President may veto any act of any council, faculty, or committee of his or her institution but, in doing so, shall transmit to the proper officer a written statement of the reason for such veto. A copy of each veto statement shall be transmitted to the Chancellor.
The President shall be the official medium of communication between the faculty and the Chancellor and between the council, senate, assembly, committee, or governance body and the Chancellor.
2.6.3 Personnel Policies
The Board of Regents has the Constitutional authority for the government, control, and management of the University System of Georgia (USG) and all of its institutions, which includes the oversight of institutional hiring and search processes.
The President is responsible for the initial appointment of faculty members and administrative employees of each institution and the salary and all promotions of those employees. The President may reappoint faculty members and administrative employees except as otherwise specified in this Policy Manual. The President may accept the resignation of any employee of his or her institution on behalf of the Board of Regents.
To ensure accountability and effective management of the institution, the President shall consult with the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designee about significant personnel actions involving certain administrative employees as required by other provisions of this Policy Manual. These employees include, but may not be limited to, the chief business officer, chief academic officer, Title IX coordinator, and internal auditor.
USG institutions must have a formal search process for all senior administrator hires which would include details surrounding the search process, priorities, the make-up of committee members, hiring criteria, and the use of search firms if search firms are to be used. For purposes of this policy, senior administrators include: provosts, vice presidents, vice provosts, deans, and similar level positions.
The Board of Regents gives the authority to the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designee to make any changes to an institution’s search process based on the Board’s priorities. Each President is ultimately responsible for all hires at the institution.
The President may grant leaves of absence for members of the faculty for study at other institutions or for such reasons as the President may deem proper.
The President shall make such reports as required from time to time to the Board, through the Chancellor, of the condition of the institution under his or her leadership.
2.6.4 Agreements
The President may execute, accept, or deliver, on behalf of the Board of Regents, the following types of research agreements, settlement agreements, service agreements, and reciprocal emergency law enforcement agreements affecting his or her institution:
- Research or service agreements whereby the institution concerned, for monetary compensation or other good and valuable consideration, agrees to perform certain institution-oriented research or other personal services within a time period of one year or less;
- Agreements between USG institutions and hospitals or other organized medical facilities, both public and private, whereby the hospital or medical facility concerned agrees to provide clinical services to nursing and other students enrolled in nursing and allied health programs at the institution concerned, which are subject to cancellation by either party;
- Reciprocal emergency law enforcement agreements between USG institutions and county and municipal authorities, as authorized by the Georgia Mutual Aid Act, as amended;
- Settlements of grievances and complaints, including those filed by state and federal agencies, that do not include a monetary commitment of more than $100,000. Notice of settlements shall be filed with the University System Office of Legal Affairs; and, 5. Any agreements necessary for the day-to-day operation of the institution.
2.6.5 Delegation of Authority and Responsibilities
The President may delegate his or her authority and responsibilities under Board of Regents’ Policy unless expressly prohibited by the Board of Regents.
The mission of the University System of Georgia (USG) is achieved through the collective missions of our state’s public colleges and universities, which drive economic development and produce more educated individuals to contribute to the quality of life in the State. USG institutions are responsible for producing graduates with the requisite skills and knowledge to ensure Georgia’s strong future in the knowledge-based and global economy. The individual mission and function of the institutions within the USG must be aligned with the overall USG mission in order to strategically meet the higher education needs of the State.
The function and mission of each USG institution is determined by the Board of Regents and any change in institutional function and mission must be approved by the Board. Institutional mission statements shall be evaluated by the Board as part of the regular cycle of accreditation and reaffirmation for the institution. Institutional function determines the scope of activity of the institution over a considerable period of time and covers the following aspects:
- The level at which the institution will operate;
- The types of educational degree programs to be offered;
- The cost of attending the institution (student tuition and fees);
- The admissions selectivity of the institution and the extent to which the institution serves as a primary point of access to higher education for under-represented students in a geographic region of Georgia; and,
- The extent to which the institution engages in teaching, research, and service
Specific functions and missions for individual institutions and the procedures to request a change in functional sector, functional sector category, and institutional mission can be found in the Academic & Student Affairs Handbook. USG institutions are classified according to the following functional sectors:
Research Universities, which offer a broad array of undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs and are characterized as doctoral-granting with a Carnegie Classification of very high or high research activity. Associate degrees are typically not offered at research universities. The Nexus degree can be offered at research universities. While teaching is a core focus at all USG institutions, the emphasis on basic and applied research is much heavier at research universities than any other institutional sector. It is expected that institutions operating within this sector will be world-class research institutions with significant commitments to receipt of external funding, philanthropic giving, and fundraising at the highest levels.
Institution | Primary Section/Function | Secondary Sections/Function | Secondary Sections/Function |
Georgia Institute of Technology | Research University | n/a | Georgia’s technological research institution |
Georgia State University | Research University | State College | |
University of Georgia | Research University | n/a | Georgia’s land-grant institution and Agricultural experiment station |
Augusta University | Research University | n/a | State’s dedicated health/sciences/medical college |
Comprehensive Universities, which offer a number of undergraduate and master’s-level programs with some doctoral programs. Typically, associate-level degrees are not offered at comprehensive universities. The Nexus degree can be offered at comprehensive universities. Master programs at comprehensive universities are characterized as master’s-dominant. While teaching is a core focus at all USG institutions, the emphasis on basic and applied research is heavier at comprehensive universities than state universities or state colleges, but not emphasized as heavily as research universities. It is expected that institutions within this sector will be committed to being world-class academic institutions.
Institution | Primary Section/Function | Secondary Sections/Function | Secondary Sections/Function |
Georgia Southern University | Comprehensive University | n/a | Approved for doctoral programs |
Valdosta State University | Comprehensive University | n/a | Approved for doctoral programs |
Kennesaw State University | Comprehensive University | n/a | Approved for doctoral programs |
University of West Georgia | Comprehensive University | n/a | Approved for doctoral programs |
State Universities, which offer a number of undergraduate and master’s-level programs, but very few doctoral programs. Associate-level degrees can be offered at these universities, but they are also typically limited. The Nexus degree can be offered at state universities. While teaching is a core focus at all USG institutions, the emphasis on research activity at these state universities includes some basic research, but is typically more focused on institutional or applied research.
Institution | Primary Section/Function | Secondary Sections/Function | Secondary Sections/Function |
Albany State University | State University | State College | n/a |
Clayton State University | State University | n/a | n/a |
Columbus State University | State University | n/a | Approved for doctoral programs |
Fort Valley State University | State University | n/a | State’s 1890 land grant institution |
Georgia College & State University | State University | n/a | State’s public liberal arts institution; approved for doctoral programs |
Georgia Southwestern State University | State University | n/a | n/a |
Middle Georgia State University | State University | State College | n/a |
Savannah State University | State University | n/a | n/a |
University of North Georgia | State University | n/a | State’s military college; approved for doctoral programs |
State Colleges
Balanced Bachelor’s and Associate State Colleges
Institutions included in the balanced bachelor’s and associate-level state colleges group offer bachelor’s degrees, associate programs, and general education courses, but no graduate programs. These state colleges are characterized as balanced bachelor’s and associate-level degrees with bachelor’s programs focused on specialized academic and economic development program areas and regional, college-educated workforce needs. The Nexus degree can be offered at state colleges. The emphasis at these state colleges is on teaching and service with limited focus on basic or applied research activity.
Associate Dominant-Select Bachelor’s State Colleges
Institutions included in the associate dominant state colleges group are characterized as offering associate-dominant programs and general education courses, with very few, select, professionally-oriented bachelor’s degree programs. The select bachelor’s programs are focused on specialized academic and economic development program areas and regional, college-educated workforce needs. The emphasis at these state colleges is on teaching and service with limited focus on basic or applied research.
Institution | Primary Section/Function | Secondary Sections/Function | Secondary Sections/Function |
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College | State College - Balanced Bachelor’s & Associate Degrees | n/a | State’s agricultural state college |
Atlanta Metropolitan State College | State College - Balanced Bachelor’s & Associate Degrees | n/a | n/a |
College of Coastal Georgia | State College - Balanced Bachelor’s & Associate Degrees | n/a | n/a |
Dalton State College | State College - Balanced Bachelor’s & Associate Degrees | n/a | n/a |
Georgia Gwinnett College | State College - Balanced Bachelor’s & Associate Degrees | n/a | n/a |
Gordon State College | State College - Balanced Bachelor’s & Associate Degrees | n/a | n/a |
East Georgia State College | State College - Associate Dominant, Select Bachelor’s | n/a | n/a |
Georgia Highlands College | State College - Balanced Bachelor’s & Associate Degrees | n/a | n/a |
South Georgia State College | State College - Associate Dominant, Select Bachelor’s | n/a | n/a |
Institutions with a Blended Function
At times a USG institution may be approved by the Board to advance aspects of a mission from different functional sectors. When this occurs, an institution will have a blended institutional function with a primary sector function and a secondary function sector. While the institution will follow the function of their primary sector, it will also be authorized to function in accordance with aspects of the secondary sector function.
No institution may operate as an institution with a blended function unless approved by the Board of Regents. When the Board approves an institution as having a blended function, the Board will also approve the institution’s primary functional sector. The guidelines for obtaining Board approval to operate as an institution with a blended function and a list of institutions currently approved for a blended function can be found in the Academic & Student Affairs Handbook.
The Chancellor may, from time to time, direct institutions with a blended function on whether and to what extent the institution will implement primary functional sector requirements or secondary functional sector requirements.
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